Gaucho Burgers


Last week I shared one of my mom’s recipes and I will do so again this week. She would make this in place of the usual Sloppy Joe’s, bar-b-q’s, slush burgers or whatever else they were called. Grandma Ann called them Gaucho Burgers; I don’t know if she made this up herself or she saw it in a magazine or cookbook. My sisters and I always liked these with homemade dill pickles and potato chips. I find the onion soup mix to be a little too salty, so I use a large onion chopped, and season with salt and pepper.

Gaucho Burgers

2 Pounds lean hamburger

1 Envelope dry onion soup mix

1 Can cream of chicken soup

1 Can cream of mushroom soup

Brown the hamburger and blend in the dry onion soup mix.

When meat is cooked, stir in the canned soups.

Serve on fresh buns.

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