Asparagus is a sure sign of spring. We have some growing at the farm, but I don’t think it has been warm enough for the shoots to have emerged. Asparagus is a perennial vegetable; a member of the lily family and grows to nearly five feet tall with needle like leaves. It should be picked soon after pushing out of the ground before it starts to leaf out. It will become tough if it gets too tall. I usually pick it for a week or so and then let it grow to a fern like plant. It does flower with a delicate pale green small bloom with red berries when mature. I have read that the berries are poisonous.
Select slender shoots at the store, just rinse it and snap off the bottom portion as they may be a little woody or tough. Years back our grandson was at the farm for the day and his mom asked what we had to eat at noon. He told her we had meat, mashed potatoes, gravy and some “green sticks.” He liked those green sticks! I noticed on Easter Sunday that the little kids were picking up the green sticks in their fingers and eating them. Asparagus is low in calories; has a number of nutrients including calcium and zinc. This delicate vegetable can be steamed, stir fried, grilled or baked. It’s also good raw, in salads or served as an appetizer.
I think I may have shared this tip in an earlier column; I usually purchase asparagus when it is on sale, blanch it in boiling water, drain and chill. Arrange a layer on cookie sheets in the freezer; when frozen, place it in an air tight container or bag to use for meals at a later date. It takes a handful or so for the two of us to serve as a side dish at a meal.
Select tender shoots, rinse and snap off the bottom.
Toss with some olive oil, salt, pepper and minced garlic. Arrange in a shallow dish and bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees.