by Sgt. Jesse Grabow
Question: I have a question on garbage trucks. Is it legal to drive standing up with no seat belt on? Also can they drive on the wrong side of the road on city streets? What can one do to stop it?
Answer: Standing up would be against the law, -although no specific law against it, it could be deemed as careless driving. I believe that some of them are exempt from the seat belt law conditionally, if conditions met according to the law: 169.686 Subd. 2.Seat belt exemptions.
This section shall not apply to:(4) a person who is actually engaged in work that requires the person to alight from and reenter a motor vehicle at frequent intervals and who, while engaged in that work, does not drive or travel in that vehicle at a speed exceeding 25 miles per hour;
No they can’t drive on the wrong side of the road, that’s against the law and there are no exceptions that I am aware of. You can call the company and complain, and you could call the law enforcement who has jurisdiction over that location (i.e.: sheriff, local police) and ask them to enforce the law on that.
If you have any questions concerning traffic related laws or issues in Minnesota send your questions to Trp. Jesse Grabow – Minnesota State Patrol at 1000 Highway 10 West, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-2205. (You can follow him on Twitter @MSPPIO_NW or reach him at, jesse.grabow@state.mn.us)