FMCVB contributes half million dollars to Matson Field

The fund to refurbish Moorhead’s Matson Field is 65% of the way toward its goal of $1.8 to $2 million, thanks to a contribution of $500,000 from the Fargo-Moorhead Convention and Visitors Bureau.
CVB director Charley Johnson joined Matson Field fund-raiser Jeff “Spike” Miller, chairman Doug Peters and CVB sports director Stephonie Broughton in presenting the contribution to the baseball field on 15th Avenue North at the Moorhead City Council’s meeting Monday.
“Sports is what propels our community. It’s by far the largest draw for visitors to our town,” Johnson observed, “and it’s grown greatly over the past five or six years.”
Broughton added, “We already know of tournaments and events that want to come here.”
The CVB funding is the second major contribution to the project, coming after American Legion Post 21’s 10-year pledge of $250,000. Plans call for a 325-seat stadium to be built on a concrete casting system, with aluminum bleachers with backs in the center sections and open bleachers on both ends. The complex will include a press box behind home plate, concession stands and restrooms. Grass berms along right field and left field will accommodate spectators who bring lawn chairs.
Miller told the council that the fund-raisers are “selling” the 325 permanent seats, seeking donations of $1,000 for each. Donors’ names will be recognized in the central plaza.
Peters cited the substantial economic impact expected to be delivered by upgrading the field for statewide tournaments and other major contests. “We’re fired up to finish the campaign and get this going in our community,” he said.
Fund-raiser Jeff “Slick” Miller, Convention and Visitors Bureau sports director Stephonie Broughton and director Charley Johnson (with check), Mayor Shelly Carlson, and chairman Doug Peters. Photo/City of Moorhead.

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