Fire Destroys Moorhead Baptist Church

Fire Destroys Moorhead Baptist Church

Shortly before 5:30am on Monday, June 30th, 2014, a resident of the Regal Estates manufactured housing community noticed smoke coming west of their location from the roof of Moorhead Baptist Church, 502 Hwy 75 North in Moorhead. The resident alerted two families living in housing units at the church who escaped without injury, who noted that fire was now coming from the roof.

Moorhead Fire Crews arrived to find fire burning through the roof on the east side of the building with heavy black smoke pushing thorough opening at several locations along the roof. Fire was discovered in the attic space along most of the east wing of the church. A series of ventilation holes in the roof and a combination of aerial master streams and hose lines were able to stop the fire before it entered the main residence on the northwest corner of the building.

The entire roof of the east wing was destroyed and while the brick and block walls and many of the interior walls remain intact, massive water damage and charred and water soaked ceilings and insulation dropped in most the wing as well, likely resulting in the total loss of the east wing and half of the north wing of the L-shaped building.

No dollar loss estimate is immediately available. The fire was caused by a faulty bathroom ventilation fan. Business and home owners are reminded periodically clean the covers and ductwork of their ventilation fans.

New Staff at the HCSCC

The Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County welcomes new staff and interns this summer. “We are fortunate to be able to hire individuals with degrees in cultural anthropology, history and public history from our area colleges and all with museum experience,” said HCSCC Executive Director Maureen Kelly Jonason.

Angela Beaton became the Administrative Assistant in June. She previously worked with the Rourke Art Museum and has a degree in public history. Linnea Dahlquist is the new weekend manager. Over the past three years she has worked with the museum on many exhibits, tours, and events as a general museum assistant.

Amanda Nordick joined the HCSCC as the Marketing Coordinator in May. She previously worked as the Nordic Culture Clubs’ director and has a master’s in anthropology. Jeff Swenson accepted the position of Events and Exhibits Coordinator. He previously worked as the HCS’s administrative assistant.

Roadwork begins on 11th Street N. from Center Avenue to 28th Avenue Monday June 30th

Motorists and pedestrians traveling on 11th Street North in Moorhead will be impacted by shoulder and sidewalk closures beginning on Monday, June 30th from Center Avenue to 28th Avenue.  Contractors will begin replacing sidewalk and curb and gutter along 11th Street to improve accessibility and drainage.  Motorists are encouraged to utilize 9th and 14th Streets during this phase of the project.  Later in the month of July, asphalt resurfacing of 11th Street will begin.  The project is anticipated to be completed by September 1st.  This project is being overseen by the Clay County Highway Dept.

There will be no garbage pickup Friday, July 4th

There will be no garbage pickup Friday, July 4, 2014.  Friday’s route will be picked up on Monday, July 7, 2014 along with Monday’s route.  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday routes will be picked up on schedule.

Monday, July 7, 2014 starting time will be 4 am.  Your recycling pickup schedule is the same as garbage pickup, so please have you garbage on the curb the night before.  The City Transfer Station and Compost site will also be closed on Friday, July 4, 2014.

Farmers Market at Moorhead Center Mall

July 7th – October 30th a Farmer’s Market will be held every Tuesday in the east side parking lot from 3 – 7pm.

Golf Tournament date change

Lost and Found 4th annual golf tournament date has been changed to Friday, July 11th at The Meadows Golf Course in Moorhead.

Registration starts at 8:00 am and shotgun start at 9:45am.

To register please call 218-287-2089 or register safely on line at

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