Fargo/ Moorhead’s Top

Fargo/ Moorhead’s Top

Model and Photographer search

On Saturday, May 31st, from 2pm-5pm, Moorhead Center Mall will host the FM Top Model preliminary model and photographer search.

The model search is an event open to ages 9 and older. The competition is open to men and women, all heights and sizes are eligible to apply.

The photography portion of the competition is open to professional, and developing photographers of the area. Interested participants will apply online and be available on May 31 for a chance to photograph models.

To register in advance, applications are accepted online, by going to www.ultimatemodelmanagement.com and complete the FM Top Model search application. Partial proceeds of the $20 application fee helps the Dare 2 Dream Foundation, a non-profit organization helping fund the careers of models.

Final competition will be on September 21, 2014 at the Moorhead Center Mall during the top model final competition, where contestants will compete in runway, print, fitness/fun fashion and spokesmodel.

The winner of the event will be based on most votes and final decision from a panel of judges. Judging is based on application, personality, photogenic qualities, confidence, and enthusiasm.

A prize package from various local vendors will be given to the top model, along with a scholarship and opportunity to meet with agents from all over the world, including casting agents from MTV.

The FM Top Model search is sponsored by Ultimate Image, Moorhead Center Mall, and Y94.

Registration is available at www.ultimatemodelmanagement.com under the top model link.

Memorial Day closures and

garbage collection schedule

FARGO, N.D. (May 20, 2014) – Non-essential City offices will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26. All Fargo Public Library locations will be closed Sunday, May 25 and Monday, May 26. Garbage collection will operate as follows: Monday collection on Tuesday; the remainder of the week on schedule. The Sanitary Landfill will be closed on Monday, May 26.

Increased Impaired Driving

Enforcement Starting Week of June 1

FARGO, N.D.(May 16, 2014)– Beginning June 1, expect to see additional law enforcement officers on local roadways. Several North Dakota law enforcement agencies across the state will be increasing visibility in a continuing effort to end impaired driving. The Southeast Fargo Regional DUI Task Force will provide additional law enforcement presence on rural, city and state roads throughout the region for the entire month of June.

“During our last enforcement period held in March, we made 166 total citations and arrests in the Southeast Fargo region,” said Sgt James Kringlie. “This high number of incidents shows that impaired driving is still a major issue in our area.”

Impaired driving is defined as motorists who operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, legal or illegal drugs. Law enforcement officials stress that any use of alcohol or drugs can affect a motorist’s driving ability. Often motorists don’t acknowledge their impaired state until they are far beyond the point of safely operating a motor vehicle.

Law enforcement officials believe that any fatality due to impaired driving is too many and officers encourage motorists to designate a driver if they plan to drink alcohol. They also suggest closely observing warning labels on prescription medications, as many prescriptions can alter judgment and motor skills, and result in dangerous impaired driving.

The success of past enforcement campaigns encourages the Southeast Fargo Regional DUI Task Force to continue their work to keep North Dakota drivers safe. The DUI Task Force began on Oct. 1, 2010, in order to take significant steps towards reducing alcohol-related crashes and fatalities across the state. Nearly 80 percent of all law enforcement agencies currently participate in the DUI Task Force across North Dakota. Funding for this enhanced enforcement is provided through the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT).

North Dakota Department of Health

Reminds Parents That Now is the Time

to Think About Back-to-School Immunizations

BISMARCK, N.D.– The North Dakota Department of Health and Department of Instruction are encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated now to avoid the back-to-school rush later this summer.

Before entering school, children should have five doses of DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis), four doses of IPV (polio), three doses of HBV (hepatitis B), two doses of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), and two doses of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. There also are vaccines that are required for adolescents when entering seventh grade. Seventh grade requirements include an immunization against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap), and meningococcal disease (MCV4). The vaccine that protects against meningococcal disease is also required for newly admitted North Dakota college students residing in on-campus housing. Other vaccines may be recommended by health-care providers.

“By requiring vaccines, we hope to minimize the spread of preventable illnesses in schools and provide North Dakota’s children with a healthier environment to learn,” said Valerie Fischer, Director of Safe and Healthy Schools. “Children should get vaccinated as soon as possible to ensure they are protected before the first day of school.”

“Approximately 10 percent of kindergartners and one-third of middle school students were not up-to-date with the required vaccines during the 2013-2014 school year,” said Amy Schwartz, Immunization Surveillance Coordinator. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, North Dakota ranks fifth to last in the United States for immuniza sfor kindergartners.”

In an effort to increase immunization rates, the Department of Health will be sending letters to all children who will be attending kindergarten or seventh grade next year who have not yet been vaccinated with required vaccines.

Children can be vaccinated at local public health units or private health care providers. For more information on school immunization requirements, contact Amy Schwartz, North Dakota Department of Health, at 701.328.2335, or visit our website atwww.ndhealth.gov/immunize.

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