Fair Announces Grandstand Shows

Fair Announces Grandstand Shows

West Fargo, N.D. –The Red River Valley Fair announces their summer grandstand shows.  The Red River Valley Fair is scheduled for July 8-13, 2014 in West Fargo, North Dakota.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014 – To be announced

Wednesday, July 9, 2014 – HAIRBALL

Thursday, July 10, 2014 – KELLIE PICKLER

Friday, July 11, 2014 – BILLY CURRINGTON

Saturday, July 12, 2014 – FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH

Sunday, July 13, 2014 – To Be Announced

“2013 proved to be a phenomenal year for the Fair and we’re excited for our 2014 lineup” stated Bryan Schulz, General Manager.

Schulz explained they struggled with the availability of artists for 2014.  “It’s pretty late for us to be announcing our shows, but we’re finding that many of the new up-and-coming artists are tagging onto larger venue shows which takes away from our availability.  We still have two nights to fill but we are getting closer.  We do have offers on the table and hope to hear soon.  Once we do, we’ll make those announcements”.

 The philosophy of paying a gate admission and all shows are free has proved to be a success.  With over 120,000 people in attendance in 2013, the 2014 Fair is expected to draw large numbers once again.

 “We strive to keep the Fair affordable for everyone.  We have multiple gate admission discounts and coupons available.  Adult admission is only $8.00 per day.  Where in this town can you see animals, exhibits and grandstand shows for that price?  It really is a great family get away” expressed Schulz.

Get Ready for Spring with

Free Tree Care Workshop

 FARGO, N.D. (March 10, 2014) – Fargo area residents are invited to get ready for spring by taking part in a free workshop about tree health care. The City of Fargo Forestry Department and the Fargo Park District are teaming up to host the Annual Tree Care Workshop at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 15 at Rheault Farm, 2902 25th St. S.

The two and a half hour event will include a discussion on how to select the right tree for your property and how to plant it correctly. Experts will cover proper pruning techniques and discuss tree health topics such as disease and insects.

 The workshop is free and no registration is required. Refreshments will be provided. For more information on tree health, visit www.cityoffargo.com/forestry.


Plan a Safe and Sober Ride Home If Going Out

Detroit Lakes– The Minnesota State Patrol recognizes St. Patrick’s Day historically is a dangerous drinking and driving party time. Troopers, deputies and officers from around Minnesota will be working Towards Zero Deaths (TZD) Driving While Impaired shifts all weekend, in conjunction with St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, as well as on Monday, March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day. Drivers are encouraged to plan ahead for a sober ride, not to drink and drive, and report suspected impaired drivers.

Department of Public Safety records from the Office of Traffic Safety show that, since 2009, the number of people arrested for DWI on St. Patrick’s Day has gone up every year through 2012, with preliminary 2013 data finally showing a dip in DWI arrests:

2009 (Tues.) – 218

2010 (Wed.) – 225

2011 (Thurs.) – 289

2012 (Sat.) – 346

2013 Sun.) – 223 (preliminary)

Sgt. Jesse Grabow, Regional Public Information Officer says, “Our officers would rather not have to make arrests or have needless tragedies occur, but we are relying on people to plan ahead, especially because of the potential for a weekend-long celebration.”

DWI enforcement and education is a component of the state’s core traffic safety initiative, TZD. A primary vision of the TZD program is to create a safe driving culture in Minnesota in which motorists support a goal of zero road fatalities by practicing and promoting safe and smart driving behavior. TZD focuses on the application of four strategic areas to reduce crashes – education, enforcement, engineering and emergency trauma response. Local passenger safety coalitions around Minnesota support these efforts.

Sex Offenders Change of Address Notification

The Fargo Police Department would like to inform the public of sex offenders who have changed their address:

Nathan Benedict DogskinDogskin, a Homeless Sex Offender, has moved to Devil’s Lake, ND

Born in 1972, 6’0”, 200 lbs.

Brown eyes, Brown hair

Offense Background: Dogskin was convicted of Aggravated Sexual Abuse on July 7, 1998, in US Federal Court. His victim was an adult female relative. Dogskin is required to register as a sex offender until 8/26/2037.

Ulysses Fredrick IrbyIrby, a Level II Sex Offender, has moved to 424 1/2 Broadway, Fargo, ND.

Born in 1974, 5’10”, 230 lbs.

Brown eyes, Black hair

Offense Background: Irby was convicted in 2002 of Criminal Sexual Conduct 4th degree in Clay County MN. The victim was a female under the age of 15. Irby is required to register as a sex offender until 2/16/2029.

Lasamuel RichardsonRichardson, a Moderate Risk Sex Offender, has become homeless.

Born in 1989, 5’11”, 165 lbs.

Brown eyes, Black hair

Offense Background: Richardson was convicted of Indecent Exposure on February 17 2011, in Cass County District Court, ND. His victim was an adult female. Richardson is a moderate risk sex offender who is currently homeless. Richardson is keeping in daily contact with law enforcement as to his whereabouts. Richardson is required to register as a sex offender until 8/26/2037.

More information regarding these Sex Offenders can be found here: http://www.cityoffargo.com/CityInfo/Departments/Police/CitizenResources/SexOffenders/

News from The Rourke

The Rourke Art Museum is pleased to announce the March 1 opening of Hina Matsuri: Japanese Girls’ Festival, a special month-long exhibit featuring traditional Japanese hina dolls. Hina Matsuri is an annual Japanese festival that celebrates daughters’ happiness, growth and good health. The hina set featured in this exhibit has 15 dolls representing the royal court of Japan. The Emperor and Empress dolls – and their court – are arranged on a seven-tiered altar.

“We were thrilled when the Northern Plains Botanic Garden Society approached us about exhibiting this special collection of Japanese dolls,” enthused executive director Tania Blanich. “It’s terrific to partner both with the Society and the Emily Reynolds Historic Costume Collection at North Dakota State University. This exhibit provides yet another opportunity to share the art and culture of Japan with our community.” The Rourke has a collection of Asian art ranging from fine art to folk art.”

The hina collection is a gift from the Okayama Japan-America Cultural Exchange Society to the Northern Plains Botanic Garden Society. Also on display will be Miss Konko, an art doll donated to North Dakota State University by the children of Konko, a city in Okayama Prefecture in Japan. Miss Konko is the “little sister” of Miss Okayama, a doll given to North Dakota in 1927 as part of a friendship doll exchange between Japan and the United States.

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