Eye on Agriculture Guide

Minnesota moms: Join the Mother’s Day weekend fishing challenge
Moms who live in Minnesota are invited to join a free virtual fishing challenge Saturday, May 11, through Sunday, May 12, during Take a Mom Fishing Weekend, when all Minnesota moms can fish without purchasing a fishing license.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is partnering with the Student Angler Organization and Women Anglers of Minnesota to host the challenge.
To participate in the Mother’s Day weekend fishing challenge, moms simply need to join the Facebook group called “Minnesota Moms Fishing Challenge 2024” and post one photo of each fish they catch.
All participants who submit one or more fish photos will have their name entered in a random drawing for prizes provided by the Student Angler Organization and their partners, including gift cards for SCHEELS and Lund. Additionally, participants are invited to tune in for a pre-challenge virtual Fishing 101 class, hosted by Women Anglers of Minnesota in the challenge Facebook group (facebook.com/groups/967975514717550) on May 7.
Challenge details are available on the Minnesota DNR website (mndnr.gov/takemomfishing). All fish species and sizes are welcome in the challenge. Participants can snap a photo and let their fish go or keep it if it’s in season.
“This year’s event follows the successful inaugural Minnesota Moms Fishing Challenge in 2023. Last year, more than 2,400 moms joined the challenge,” said Cara Hanson, DNR marketing coordinator. “This year, we hope even more people will join in the fun!”
The Minnesota State Legislature established Take a Mom Fishing Weekend in 1988 to coincide with Mother’s Day. This year, the weekend also coincides with the fishing opener — seasons begin Saturday, May 11, for walleye, northern pike, bass, and trout in lakes. To celebrate the fishing season, the Minnesota Governor’s Fishing Opener event is taking place May 10-12 in Lake City.
Fishing season dates and regulations are available on the Minnesota DNR fishing webpage (mndnr.gov/fishing). Find out how and where to fish, learn about fishing equipment, read about ways to catch different kinds of fish, and get acquainted with fishing ethics and being stewards of Minnesota’s natural resources, on the Minnesota DNR learn to fish webpage (mndnr.gov/gofishing).

Prescribed Fire Workshop to help landowners reinvigorate prairies, mitigate drought
The North Dakota Prescribed Fire Cooperative is hosting a Prescribed Fire Workshop on Tuesday, May 7th with a rain date scheduled for Tuesday, May 14th.
Landowners who are interested in learning more about prescribed fire as a management tool are invited to register for this free full-day workshop, which includes classroom style instruction and a hands-on prescribed fire demonstration.
North Dakota’s grasslands are one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. Declines in prairies have led to equally extreme reductions in population numbers for wildlife. Historically, fires were a common event in prairies, often recurring every couple of years in the wetter tallgrass prairies to every 20-30 years in the drier shortgrass prairies. Prescribed fire supports improved habitat for grassland birds and other wildlife.
For additional information and to register, email Kelli Kuska, North Dakota Prescribed Burn Coordinator, at Kkuska@pheasantsforever.org. Media Contact: Amanda Booher, Amanda.booher@audubon.org 937.474.7509.

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