Diabetes Classes Offered at No

Diabetes Classes Offered at No

Charge to Support, Educate Patients

Area residents are invited to participate in the National Diabetes Prevention Program, offered at no cost through Essentia Health and the NDSU Extension Service of Cass County, starting Wednesday, February 25. The lifestyle change program includes education and support for people with pre-diabetes and those at a high risk for pre-diabetes.

This 16-week program is provided free of charge to people in the community, and you don’t need to be an Essentia Health patient to attend. The class offers education for pre-diabetic individuals and utilizes the curriculum and methodology endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to help reduce body weight by 5% and increase activity level.

Past participants have experienced significant health benefits from the class, including significant planned weight loss and normalizing blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Meetings will be held from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings from February 25 – June 10 at Essentia Health, 1702 South University in Fargo. For questions regarding the program or to enroll contact HealthyLifestylesFargo@essentiahealth.org

Pantry sees huge increase in 2014

– Director goes hungry for those in need

Our ability to serve those in need is made possible by both monetary and food donations by our member churches, private citizens, local clubs/organizations, grants and business sponsors.

In 2014 the Emergency Food Pantry, which provides food to Cass and Clay counties families and individuals in crisis, fed 47,549 people. This number represents a 58% increase over the 30,061 people served in 2013. The Pantry distributed nearly a million pounds of food to 5,181 client households, resulting in 13,391 total visits to our facility in 2014. Visits to the Pantry increased by 48% in 2014. In addition, our dedicated corps of volunteers contributed 13,757 hours in 2014, the equivalent of over 6 full time employees. Without the continued support of all those above, the Pantry could not fulfill its “NEED to FEED”.

Recent closing of some other local pantries, the continued growth of our metro area, and the expanded services offered by the Pantry all contributed to this significant increase. As of January 31, 2015, we have already fed 3,758 people representing 1132 households nearly 122,000 pounds of food, with our busies times of the year still well ahead of us.

While everyone has experienced being hungry to some extent, only a few can appreciate the pangs of hunger brought on by not having anything to eat for days.

In order to bring attention to the Pantry’s “need to feed”, and in conjunction with “Giving Hearts Day” the Emergency Food Pantry Executive Director Pat Claus will “Fast for Food” beginning at 8 AM Wednesday February 11th thru 8 AM Friday February 13th.

On Thursday, February 12, it is our hope to generate additional public interest in not only assisting the Emergency Food Pantry, but all charitable organizations in the FM area who strive daily to make a positive impact in our community.

Agencies Encouraged to Apply

for State Clean Diesel Grants

The North Dakota Department of Health is pleased to release the annual State Clean Diesel Grant Program application. Cities, counties, and other government agencies that conduct work for the benefit of the public and require diesel-powered vehicles or equipment are encouraged to apply for State Clean Diesel Grants, according to Keith Hinnenkamp, environmental scientist with the North Dakota Department of Health.

The Department of Health will award about $76,000 in grants funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the purchase of new, diesel-powered vehicles and equipment. The purpose of the grants is to reduce diesel emissions in accordance with the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act of the Energy Policy Act of 2010. To date, 42 older vehicles have been replaced by these grants in North Dakota, with a reduction in air emissions of about 149 tons over the lifetime of those vehicles.

The grant guidelines and application are available at www.ndhealth.gov/AQ/PublicNotices.aspx. Applications must be received by 4 p.m. (central) on March 6, 2015.

For more information, contact Keith Hinnenkamp, North Dakota Department of Health, at 701.328.5188, or visit http://www.ndhealth.gov/AQ/PublicNotices.aspx.

12th Annual Nordic Gala- February 28th, 2015

The 12th Annual Nordic Gala will be held of February 28th, 2015 at the Sons of Norway in Fargo, ND. Come and enjoy entertainment by Finlandia Performer of the Year Olli Hirvonen. Also join us for appetizers, silent auction and dancing. This fundraiser benefits the Nordic Culture Clubs to present the 38th Annual Scandinavian Hjemkomst Festival. All proceeds benefit the Festival and we are delighted to bring you another exciting cultural experience from both Old and New World Scandinavia.

Along with the wonderful music, you will also enjoy Scandinavian delicacies with a Finnish flair this year there are will be open faced sandwiches, delectable Finnish cake and of course pickled herring. Everyone will surely find something they love with the assortment of sweets as well.

Come and explore your Scandinavian side with a number of Silent Auction items, Scandinavian music and food. What could be a better way to enjoy the icy winter but to warm up with some Scandinavian hospitality!

Tickets available at Hjemkomst Center, Stabo Scandinavian Imports and ScanDesign. $25 in advance, $30 at the door.

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