D’Agostino sets State Records at Spud Thud, Team looks to State

Moorhead hosted the 5th annual Spud Thud in the field house on Jan 25. Seven teams and 84 athletes participated in the all-day weightlifting event. This was the third year of Moorhead running two platforms for the lifters and was the second-largest competition to date. It was also the largest number of Moorhead lifters competing at one time.  Coach Cory Herrmann stated that over 100 athletes started the year to be weightlifters, and now just over 90 have stuck with it this season. 

Moorhead had 16 lifters in the two junior varsity categories.  Moorhead JV had three first-place winners from the girls team.  Sara Waxler in the 49K weight class had a combined total of 57k to take first.  Grace Kolo (64K class) lifted a total of 93 kilos for first place. Olivia Brissett (81K) lifted 83 kilos for the win.  Other Spud finishers included in the 59K weight category were Elayna Congress in second and Haily Bedford in third.  For the +81K lifters, Brooklynn Johnson lifted to second place. 

In boys JV, there were seven Spuds winners for their weight classes.  Osama Allawi (49K) lifted a combined total of 85K.  Revar Qagos (55K) hoisted 94K.  Mohammed Namuq (67K) cleared 102K. Karson Wendt (73K) lifted a total 136K, while Ben Hrdlicka (89K) lifted 160K.  Javid Carlson (96K) posted a total of 137K, and Tyler Olson (102K) lifted 165K.  Second place Spud finishers included Carter Olson (73K), Junior Gaye (89K) and Micah Cozad (96K).  Third-place finishers included Austin Braun (81K), Ryland Braton (89K), and Jaykob Guest (96K). 

Varsity began lifting at 2 p.m. with 28 lifters from Moorhead in the rotations. The girls team had five first-place finishers.  Carleigh Vedder (49K) had a combined total of 88K and Adla Serrao at 55K also lifted 88 kilos for first place in her weight category. At 59K, Claire Howell cleared a total 121K, Ella Rice (76K class) held up a combined lift total of 127K.  Claire Atchison (81K) combined lifts totaling 118K for the win.  Second place lifters for Moorhead included Sydney Tweten (59K), Emily Soukup ((64K), Jordan Nichols (71K), Jasmine Hetle (81K), and Mackenzie Neuhalfen (+87K). Third-place finishers included Breck Padden (59K), Gartaye Zuo (64K), and Antoinette Lighe (71K). 

For boys varsity lifters, the highlight for many spectators was Chrisanto D’Agostino (96K) setting State Lifting Records in three categories on the day with a snatch of 131K and a clean and jerk of 165K for a combined total of 296K. That would be a snatch of 289 pounds, a clean and jerk of 363 pounds, and a grand total of 652 pounds. The boys had three other first-place finishers with Jeremy Murray (55K) lifting a combined total of 95K, Mahmoud Younis (81K) lifting 202K, and Nolan Maier (109+K) lifting 205K. Second place finishers for the Spuds were Kaden Tranby (67K), Angus Wegge-Schlick (73K), Micha Jackson (81K), Jackson Young (109K), and Tyler Martin (109+K). Third-place finishers included Zachery Taft (73K), Isaac Benedict (89K), Jack Newcomb (102K), Sergio Gonzalez (109K) and Sam Case (109+K). 

Coach Herrmann stated, “After evaluating the results and comparing them statewide, we have a very good chance to win a third state title and also win our first at the youth/JV level. Everyone is working very hard and their success at our home meet will drive them to work even harder.”  Herrmann added, “None of this could be done without the outstanding coaching the kids receive from Erin Eidelbeis, Lexi Thomas, Dylan Surface and John Lubitz. They are always motivating and encouraging kids to achieve things they never thought possible.” 

Moorhead has qualified 11 lifters for the State Tournament at this time. They include Osama Allawi, Haley Bedford, Elayna Congress, Chrisanto D’Agostino, Claire Howell, Ben Hrdlicka, Grace Kolo, Revar Qaqos, Ella Rice, Carleigh Vedder, and Karsen Wendt.  D’Agostino will also be lifting at the National Weightlifting meet that will be held in Pleasontan, CA, on Feb 9. D’Agostino is currently ranked 2nd in the nation for his weight class. Coach Herrmann added, “There were a lot of personal records set at the meet and I think it was one of our most successful.”

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