city council

Mayor Shelly Carlson (at left) presented the July MoorHeart award to John Cunningham, with wife Karen. (Photo/Lisa Bode)
The man who brightens countless drivers’ days has received the Moorhead City Council’s MoorHeart Award for the month of July.
John Cunningham is a familiar sight to those who drive Eighth Street South every day. Seated on his motorized scooter in front of Eventide Senior Living, he waves at motorists throughout the day – and receives countless smiles, waves and toots of their horns in return.
Cunningham, who has lived at the facility for the past two years, was nominated for the award by city communications coordinator Mark Dickerson. He wrote, “Nearly every day John makes my day better. He is the man who sits in his motorized scooter and waves to passersby. He never initiates the wave, but if someone waves or honks, he gives a big, heartfelt wave and often a smile. And every time, he brightens someone’s day.
“I see John almost every afternoon when I drive on that busy street. I wait in anticipation to see if he is outside, and I move to the right lane so I can be sure he sees me wave or honk. And then he waves back. And I smile. It’s that simple. No matter how bad my day, no matter what is on my mind, John makes me smile. Wouldn’t it be amazing if everyone in Moorhead decided to try to make all the people around them feel happier?”
Governmental affairs director Lisa Bode, who announced the award at Monday’s meeting, cited Cunningham “for all he has done for the community – and especially for the way his positivity sparks happiness in others..” She added, “John is a great example of the MoorHeart attitude and spirit.