Last week I was listening to Joel Heitkamp when he mentioned that “most” of the Pentecostal Churches are “down south.” And Joel, you are right. The majority of Apostolic Pentecostal Churches are located in the southern states collectively.

However, Texas is home to 102, leading the pack with the most concentrated in any one state, with California coming in second with 82. All combined in the 50 United States there are 1,198 Pentecostal churches.

This made me wonder: how many Catholic churches are there in the U.S.?

Amazing! The Catholics have a determined lead on all other denominational churches in the entire country, with a total listing of * 22,187*. New York state led with 1,797, followed by Pennsylvania with 1,517 (now it makes sense why Santorum lost in his own state!) and Texas with 1,389 Catholic churches.

I’m wondering where might all the now tax-exempt monies not presently paid by churches for the properties they own and the charitable organizations they have as other types of write-off’s go were the churches required to pay property taxes —at least enough to compensate for the police and fire protection they are afforded, without having to pay property tax? Can you imagine if all the churches in the entire US were required to start paying their share of property tax how much money could be used to bring down the debt ceiling? Holy Mackerel! Think about that a minute. We’re talking about just one religion having 22,187 tax-exempt owned land holdings! Add to that the 1,198 Pentecostal churches across the U.S., then add to that probably another thirty or forty thousand churches for every unnamed denomination and religious affiliate in the country!

Now for all you who are now outraged with my “sacrilegious attitude” – thinking it smacks of being an agnostic or atheist — save the letters, emails and prayers. Ok, pray for my soul if you must, but understand I am 57 years old and very comfortable in my relationship with God, thank you. I’m merely asking a fair question as to why churches of any religious affiliation –today – in the year 2012 – should still be afforded a tax-exempt status? When only one organization has twenty-two THOUSAND churches, well, we’re no longer talking tiny rural houses of God for the attendees to meet, greet and find solace, are we?


June 4, 2012

Recent House Votes:


FDA User Fee Reauthorization

Vote Passed (387-5, 39 Not Voting)

This bill has already received Senate passage. And last week the House passed its version of FDA user fee legislation with a show of overwhelming support. The bill would reauthorize the FDA to impose user fees on drug and device manufacturers for five years. The bill was considered under suspension of the rules, an expedited procedure requiring a two-thirds majority for passage. At this point the House and Senate will move to conference the further ironing out a few minor differences. Both chambers have reportedly set a goal of July 4 for getting a final product to the president’s desk.

Rep. Collin Peterson voted



Sex-Selective Abortion Ban

Vote Failed (246-168, 17 Not Voting)

With definitely more controversy than the FDA bill, the House also considered legislation to criminalize the administering or facilitating of abortions based on the sex of the fetus. The practice, known as sex-selective abortion, has long been associated with countries such as China and India, where socio-economic pressures and limited numbers of children are ordered in an attempt to control populations, that can lead to families to abort females at much higher rates than males. Many Republicans contend that this practice has reached the United States; Democrats say there is insufficient evidence and that a blanket ban would be unenforceable in any case. Despite garnering majority support, the measure failed because it was considered under suspension of the rules.

Rep. Collin Peterson voted



Intelligence Authorization

Vote Passed (386-28, 17 Not Voting)

The 16 intelligence agencies finally received authorization for funding with the House passing the bill authorizing it. Total funding levels are classified; however, the bill would fund agencies such as the CIA and National Security Agency at a level above President Obama’s request of $71.8 billion, according to Intelligence committee chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich. and ranking member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md. A handful of amendments were adopted during debate, including one offered by Michigan Democrat John Conyers, Jr. to require a report from the director of national intelligence on the consequences of a military strike against Iran. The Senate has not moved on its authorization bill, but action is expected at the committee level sometime this summer.

Rep. Collin Peterson voted



Military Construction-Veterans Affairs Appropriations

Vote Passed (407-12, 12 Not Voting)

The House passed its second FY13 appropriations bill last week, providing funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs and for military construction and housing. The bill would provide $71.7 billion in discretionary funds, including $60.6 billion for the VA and $10.6 billion for base construction and military family housing. A provision forbidding agencies from using project labor agreements (PLA) for construction projects was removed from the bill by an amendment from Michael G. Grimm, R-N.Y. (Roll Call #302). The PLA language was controversial among most Democrats and a handful of Republicans; its removal sped passage of what is usually a strongly bipartisan bill. President Obama threatened to veto the bill because the House GOP has set total FY13 appropriations levels below what had been agreed to in last year’s debt-ceiling standoff. Because the House kept funding levels in this bill constant with last year, deeper cuts will be necessary in other appropriations bills, which the administration views as unacceptable.

Rep. Collin Peterson voted


===================================================YET TO HAPPEN VOTES:


Paycheck Fairness Act – S.3220

On Tuesday, the Senate is scheduled to hold a cloture vote on a motion to proceed to a bill addressing gender-based salary discrepancies.

Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2013 – H.R.5325

The House began debate last week on its bill to fund the Energy Department for FY13. Amendment votes and final passage are expected this week.

Health Care Cost Reduction Act of 2012 – H.R.436

Also up for consideration is a bill combining three measures passed last week by the House Ways and Means Committee. The combined measure would repeal the medical device tax included in the Affordable Care Act, as well as another provision in that law prohibiting the purchase of non-prescription drugs using money from HSAs and FSAs. The last section of the bill would allow money left in an FSA at the end of a plan year to be returned to a participant and treated as taxable income.

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