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We all have opinions, complaints and thoughts about this government shutdown crap, but there are some things that just don’t get mentioned in the mainstream media, such as who’s gonna be bugging everyone’s phones during shutdowns?

How are we going to know what to eat, what amount of salt and sugar to ingest, what movies we can see, and who is going to watch over our kids and see that they don’t pray in school?

Will shipments of weapons to terrorists be halted during government shut downs? I always wondered where all the countries bought their weapons. I found out last week: 30% of world weapons are sold by the United States and 26% are sold by Russia.

Think about this – the Muslim Brotherhood gets F-16 fighter jets from us, but our country doesn’t want its own citizens to have handguns?

Interestingly enough, guns defend the president, congress, sporting events, shopping centers, celebrities, banks, and courts, but some people want to protect our children in schools with a sign saying “This is gun free zone,” then call someone with a gun when there’s an emergency.

I haven’t been talking a lot about guns lately, but if the financial meltdown of our country happens, there may be need for more talking about it – especially when some of you anti-gunners start losing your food supply to bad guys with guns.

Last week here in Arizona a fellow came home to find a bad guy in his castle. The bad guy is no longer with us. This does happen, but most of the shooting down here seems to be just gangs and drug dealers shooting each another. The cops get shot at a lot, and the cops shoot quite a few people here, but most of the bad guys are just not randomly shooting ordinary citizens very often. It isn’t safe – they’re all packing!

The border issue gets a lot of publicity in the news here; that’s because we are a border state, and people from south of the border want NO BORDER for the USA. When that happens, we will become what Mexico is!

Illegally cross the Korean border and you’ll get 12 years hard labor; sneak across the Afghanistan border and you’ll probably be shot dead; two Americans who crossed the Iranian border were sentenced to eight years in jail.

I’m sure you’ve heard it said: “Cross the American border, get free education, food stamps, health care, a place to live and more.” A lot of truth to it, isn’t there?

What scares me is how easy it would be to get an atomic bomb across the border. I am afraid it could happen one day, if we the people (or our government) keep pissin’ off everyone in the world and sticking our noses in everyone else’s business.


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