City Council approves

City Council approves

expansion of transportation

services to Oakport Track 2

Effective Jan. 1, 2015, MAT Paratransit and Metro Senior Ride will be able to provide specialized transportation services to the newly annexed area of Oakport Township. The City Council approved the expanded service area as operation is now within city limits.

Both MAT Paratransit and Metro Senior Ride are door-to-door shared ride services, meaning that the driver may pick up and drop off multiple riders on the way to or from a certain location.

MAT Paratransit

MAT Paratransit provides transportation for those unable to travel on MATBUS fixed route buses without assistance. Those who are certified as Paratransit eligible under the Americans with Disabilities Act may use this service. Vehicles are lift equipped and can travel throughout Fargo and West Fargo, North Dakota, and Moorhead and Dilworth, Minnesota. Interested riders will need to apply for eligibility.


Monday-Friday: 6:00 am to 11:15 pm

Saturday: 7:00 am to 11:15 pm


$3.00 each way for eligible riders

$3.00 for guests

Personal care attendants and children under the age of 7 ride free with an eligible passenger.

20-ride coupon books are available for purchase at $60.00.

To make a reservation, call 701.235.4464, Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm

For more information, visit the MATBUS Paratransit page.

Metro Senior Ride

Metro Senior Ride provides transportation to senior citizens aged 60 and older in Fargo and West Fargo, North Dakota, and Moorhead and Dilworth, Minnesota. The general public may also ride at a higher fare. Passengers must be able to walk and board under their own power, as these vehicles are not lift equipped.


Monday-Friday: 7:40 am to 4:30 pm


Seniors 60+: $3.00 each way

One guest with a senior: $3.00 each way

General public: $23.00 each way

Children under the age of 7 ride free with an adult

Punch cards available

MAT Paratransit coupons also accepted at current value

For more information, call 701.356.7433, or visit the MATBUS Senior Ride page.

Number of Liquor

Licenses in Moorhead Increased

The Moorhead City Council recently approved an ordinance to change the number of on-sale/off sale liquor licenses and to allow the City to issue an off-sale 3.2% malt liquor license.

The city staff reviewed the city’s ordinance with the Minnesota State Statutes and discovered that the current ordinance was in need of updating. According to state statute, the City of Moorhead is only authorized to allow eighteen on-sale intoxicating liquor licenses rather than twenty-six. Excluded from this requirement are clubs or congressionally chartered veterans organizations and restaurants. Establishments that are issued licenses to sell wine such as hotels and bowling centers are covered under different statures. Minnesota State Statute does not regulate the number of off-sale liquor licenses that a city can issue. Currently, the ordinance only allows seventeen with a total of eleven being issued.

After reviewing the ordinance before issuing the Casey’s Gas Station’s permit, the staff realized that the City of Moorhead does not authorize the sale of 3.2% malt liquor. Therefore, the City Clerk recommended that the City of Moorhead authorize the sale of off-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses be issued to gas station, which the Council approved.

Licenses shall be of the following classifications:

· On-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses shall be issued to restaurants and bowling alleys only. The council shall determine from time to time the number of on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses, which shall be issued. Off-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses may be issued to gas stations within the city.

· Special event on-sale 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses may be issued to a club or charitable, religious or nonprofit organization for the sale of 3.2 percent malt liquor, subject to such additional terms and conditions as the city shall prescribe in the resolution approving the license.

The Council’s action changes the number of authorized on-sale liquor licenses, off sale liquor licenses and allows the City to issue an off-sale 3.2% malt liquor and the changes will be implemented after publication in the Moorhead Extra newspaper.

As with all City Ordinances, a complete, printed copy is available for inspection by any person during regular business hours in the office of the City Clerk, Third Floor, City Hall, 500 Center Avenue, Moorhead, Minnesota.

Chuck Chadwick Let’s Talk Business

Request for Qualifications for MSUM’s Library

Moorhead, Minn., January 5, 2015….The Request for Qualifications for the Minnesota State University Moorhead Livingston Lord Library Percent for Art Installation is open with a February 6 deadline for the qualifications documents.

The Minnesota Percent for Art in Public Places program acquires works of art to be exhibited in and around state buildings in areas regularly accessible to the general public. The program is administered by the Minnesota State Arts Board in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Administration.

MSUM is seeking qualifications of an artist to create a permanent art installation to be located in one of two locations on the Library’s first floor—the entryway/lobby and/or the learning commons/atrium.

“MSUM is very excited to be undertaking the final step in the Library and Technology Center renovation and to include an artistic element that reflects our mission and values,” said Brittney Goodman, Executive Director, Library Services. “This will make our renovated facility even more beautiful.”

The Livingston Lord Library is located at the heart of campus and is home to the Library, Information Technology, Faculty Development Center, and the University Archives. MSUM has allocated $75,000‐85,000 for the selected artist for this project. This amount includes travel and all installation costs. Support for this percent‐for‐art commission comes from the building remodeling project of the Livingston Lord Library and Technology Center.

Up to four finalists will be selected and will be paid a stipend of $1,000 to design an artwork. Finalists’ proposals will include a graphic depiction of the proposed artwork, schedule (design, fabrication and installation), installation method, and budget. Additional requirements will be outlined in instructions to finalists. Finalists will be required to attend an onsite interview with the selection panel. These interviews are tentatively scheduled for the week of March 11, 2015.

To learn more about eligibility considerations, selection criteria, and submission requirements, visit

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