by Tom Blair
OK, the world didn’t end, I didn’t think it was quite time, but don’t worry! It says in the scriptures that “the earth abidith forever.” Also, there will be a “new” heaven and a “new” earth. And remember that verse about “meek shall inherit the earth”? It will always be here and so will people, it’s just gonna be a BIG change!
A financial collapse would cause chaos; we know that, so would the failure of our country’s power grid. Nuclear explosions, big sun explosions and total world war are all things that could plunge us into the end or changing time. But there is another thing that could change the world immediately; chip failure, that’s right!
Do you know that those tiny little computer chips that are in almost everything manufactured today can self-destruct in a flash with the touch of a finger? A tiny static electricity charge would render it helpless, yet nearly EVERYTHING we depend on is full of chips. And IF a big static electricity charge zipped across the country and took out all the chips: No TV, cell phones or radios, no car, no computers, the power company would shut down, you couldn’t use credit cards, banks couldn’t function, all newer appliances wouldn’t work, slot machines and electronic devices wouldn’t work, our sophisticated defense system (including radar) would be worthless. Planes couldn’t fly, home phones wouldn’t work and really, nothing electronic would work. NO computers of any kind! Not even an I-pod or digital watch.
Police, fire, ambulance and all emergency and non-emergency 2-way communications wouldn’t work. Security cameras, alarms, cash registers in stores would die, as would tape players, scanners, CD players, and stereo systems. Even if you had a generator to supply the power it probably has a solid-state ignition and wouldn’t work either. Some older vehicles would work, so we could at least get around if you had some gas in a can, cause gas pumps wouldn’t work either.
As a matter of fact, we couldn’t launch a missile, use a tank, fighter plane, war ship, shoot a rocket and we wouldn’t be able to use radar for defense or weather.
Just start a list or a group discussion of all the things that have electronic chips and you’ll see what you would be without. I know this stuff sounds scary but I have just scratched the surface of things that wouldn’t work without these tiny electronic chips. What would it be like?
It certainly would be quiet wouldn’t it? We would have more time to talk to each other instead of being on the phone, watching TV, sending e-mails, driving cars, fighting wars and working for a living.
Kids would have to use their imagination to play. We could teach them about hide & seek, how to build a fort, play “ditch-em” on bikes and things like that. Yes, we would be doing a lot of communicating with each other.
Would it really be so bad? I don’t know. But if it ever happens, it better be worldwide and not just in the US. It’s something to think about huh? That we put so much faith in a little manufactured product.
Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com