Celebrating Veterans at Rollag

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

September is here and with it came the annual Steam Threshers Reunion in Rollag. This year they had a military theme. I’m here to testify it was pretty amazing. As a history buff they had fully functional pieces of military equipment. Some of the gear I’ve only read about in books or seen online. A number of bulldozers that found military service with many branches. One I recognized as the only one that was dropable by air for many years. A working M274 Mule, it’s basically a personal flatbed Jeep. It never took off in military circles. However it had a tremendous impact during the Vietnams Tet-Offensive, securing its place in history. Several military motorcycles in various configurations, weapons, uniforms etc.

The Veterans themselves received a button that signified their service. A special meal and a log book for Veterans to sign. There was also a film crew there to record stories. A replica of the Vietnam Veterans memorial wall was there. They really pulled out the stops.

The absolute dazzler for me was a working M4 Sherman tank of WW2 era.

I looked at it like it was an old friend. The lines, cast turret, main gun, the tracks. To hear it run was surreal, the twin diesel engines cranking up. Wow! I was able to ride on it for one of the parades. The looks on people’s faces was priceless.

The gentleman that owned it, Harold, was from Canada. He has been offered over a million dollars for the tank. He has refused all offers. He is concerned about history and preserving it. I respect that, how do you sell a page of the Constitution?

 Next week 911 remembrance ceremonies will take place at 11am. It will be held at Davy Memorial Park in Moorhead. I’ve heard the speaker is very good.

The Fargo Memorial Honor Guard will be there participating. Hope to see you there.

Send your veteran-related items to me at 11btwk@gmail.com.

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