Veteran’s Corner
Jason Hicks | Commander United Patriotic bodies
Fargo Memorial Honor Guard
As the holiday season nears I’m always in deep thanks for the support of our great country. While spending time overseas there was always the CARE packages sent. Recently the FM Chamber of commerce spent a session packaging goodies and treats for deployed troops. I can say from personal experience a care package can be a mental lifesaver. For example; packets of Kool-Aid were a godsend, especially in a desert where water is a must. Plain luke warm canteen water definitely loses its novelty. And of course sunflower seeds. There are things that we really take for granted, simple little things. You see when you are in a combat zone; you can’t just drive to Caseys and get a pizza and snacks. You are at the mercy of the supply system, sometimes your meal arrives hot and other times not so much. Another much appreciated item was tabasco sauce; yes a little bottle of heat to make your MREs taste a little better. Also came in handy for all Army food. So in conclusion CARE packages are always a hit, and shared by you and your fellow soldiers.
Next I would like to touch on leadership and lessons learned. Having been in a leadership position since the age of 19, I’ve had the privilege of leading some of the finest soldiers the world has ever seen and now in the Veterans world that hasn’t really changed except for our age. If there is one thing I would like to share, Leaders LEAD, they are willing to do the work and not simply talk about it. I’ve always found that subordinates will follow you anywhere if you do that most basic concept. In my current capacity I am truly blessed with some great people who are willing to do the work. Day in and day out always there ready to perform our sacred duty for our fellow Veterans.
Please have a Merry Christmas and remember those men and women who are not able to be home. They are standing at the gate to keep the wolves out. We may not know them, but we owe them.