Canned Tomato Soup

It seems like everyone is canning except for me. I miss canning and freezing the produce that was grown on the farm in our garden. I gave my pressure canner away a few years back and most of my jars were given to my daughter, who has taken over the canning chores. She freezes most of the vegetables, but cans lots of salsa and tomato juice. She has been canning tomato soup from a recipe that I made for several years; it is easy and better than Campbell’s. I got this recipe from Ella Guttormson who was a member of my garden club in Georgetown. Ella was a wonderful cook as well as a great gardener and was a mentor to many with her gardening advice. This is canned in pint jars and can be used in a hot dish or as a soup by adding a pint of milk to the jar of soup, heat and eat!

Canned Tomato Soup

2 Gallons of tomatoes, do not peel

1 Bunch celery

1 Green pepper

6 Medium onions

1 1/2 Cups flour

1 1/2 Cups sugar

1 Cup butter

1/4 Cup canning salt

Wash and cut up tomatoes, grind celery, pepper and onions. Add to tomatoes and cook for about an hour. Put the mixture through a sieve, pour the mixture in a large kettle and add a crumbly mixture of flour, sugar, salt and butter. Continue to cook stirring constantly until thick, be sure and stir well as it may scorch. Pour the thickened mixture in hot pint jars and seal, process in boiling water bath for 20 minutes. Yields 6-7 pints. This can be used straight from the jar in a hot dish, or as cream of tomato soup by adding a pint jar of milk and heat.

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