Briefs 2.6.20

MSUM to Host FREE Prom Dress Giveaway

MOORHEAD – If The Dress Fits, a nonprofit that provides free prom dresses to high school students, in partnership with the MSUM chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America, will hold a prom dress event Feb. 8 and 9 at Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Nemzek Hall.  

Hundreds of dresses will be available for students to choose from between noon and 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9.  Dressing rooms will be available. Students should bring flip flops or slippers to keep dresses clean. Proof of financial hardship is not required; however, dresses will only be given to students with current high school identification, which must be provided at the event.


MOORHEAD – Free tax preparation is available on Concordia College’s campus with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program from 6-9 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3-Thursday, March 12, on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Grant Center room 118. The site will not be open March 2, 3 and 5, when the campus is closed due to Spring Break.

No appointment is needed and free parking is available.

VITA is a program supported by the IRS. IRS-certified student volunteers prepare basic tax returns. VITA offers a quick and convenient way to receive your tax refund through free E-filing. The mission of VITA is to provide free basic tax return preparation for low-to-moderate income (less than $56,000 a year) and elderly taxpayers. Things to bring: all W-2 forms, Photo ID, and Social Security CARD. Also, a blank check or bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit of tax refunds. For married couples, BOTH spouses must be present.

Directions: The Grant Center is located on 8th Street and 12th Avenue South, Moorhead. Parking is available in the back of the building in ES or E. Room 118 is located on the main floor.

“Artist First”: an exhibition of art and accessibility opens at the Hjemkomst Center

 MOORHEAD – “Artist First,” a collaborative art exhibition from the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County and Arts Access for All, opens at the Hjemkomst Center on Saturday, February 8, with a free reception held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

 The exhibition was designed by Fargo-based accessibility advocates Arts Access for All to highlight the talents of regional artists who identify as having a disability. Those talents are showcased in an accessible, multimedia art show that features eleven artists and twenty-two pieces.

 One of the exhibition coordinators, Arts Access for All’s Sherry Shirek, sees “Artist First” as an important contribution to the Fargo-Moorhead art community’s growing accessibility efforts. “My vision is to see arts and cultural organizations design for accessibility as the norm. Arts organizations need not be afraid. We must be all-inclusive, remove the roadblocks, and open our doors to arts access for everyone,” she said.

 “Artist First” will be on exhibition in the Hjemkomst Center’s 4th Floor Gallery through March 31, 2020. The opening reception on Saturday, Feb. 8, is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served and a short program will feature awards and remarks.  

 “Artist First” was made possible in part by a grant from the Lake Region Arts Council, made available through a Minnesota state legislative appropriation.

Moorhead Library Announces Storytime

MOORHEAD – The Moorhead Public Library will host a special guest at an upcoming Storytime on February 11 at 6:30 p.m. Minnesota’s Miss Amazing Junior Teen Queen Addie Loerzel will visit the library to read books about inclusion and acceptance, with a craft project and take-home treat to follow. 

Miss Amazing is an organization dedicated to providing opportunities for girls and women with disabilities to build confidence and express their passions in a supportive environment.

Children of all ages are invited to free Storytimes at the Moorhead Library, 118 5th St. S., Moorhead. Storytime is held Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and the second Saturday of the month at 11 a.m. 

Call issued for art exhibits in Minnesota State Capitol Gallery

SAINT PAUL – The Minnesota Capitol Art Exhibit Advisory Committee is looking for Minnesota artists or organizations who would like to display their work in the Capitol’s gallery space, located on the third floor of the Minnesota State Capitol.

Proposed exhibits may be in any visual medium, including paintings, photography, sculpture, ceramics, fabric, paper, book arts, printmaking, or any performance medium, including dance, music, spoken word, storytelling, or any other form of artistic expression that can be reasonably and appropriately accommodated in the Capitol.

Legislation passed in 2018 established parameters for art to be considered by the committee. Art exhibits should “tell Minnesota stories and engage people to: (1) reflect on Minnesota history, (2) understand Minnesota government, (3) recognize the contributions of Minnesota’s diverse peoples, (4) inspire citizen engagement, and (5) appreciate the varied landscapes of Minnesota.”  Proposals will need to meet at least one of these criteria to be eligible.

No compensation will be provided to artists or art organizations for display of their work, and sales of works are prohibited while on display in the Capitol.

Applicants may apply at, and are asked to submit images of their proposed work via cloud service such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Adobe CC or similar. 

Those with limited access to the internet may request a hard copy of the application form by contacting Vic Thorstenson at or (651) 201-2770. Hard copy forms and electronic or hard copy images may be submitted in mail or delivered in person to: MN Capitol Art Advisory Committee, 50 Sherburne Avenue, Suite 200, Saint Paul, MN 55155, attn: Vic Thorstenson.

The deadline for proposals is March 20, 2020.

Hope for Merideth Benefit

WEST FARGO – A benefit to help Merideth Sorensen of Gardner, ND will be held on Friday, February 14th from 5-9 pm at the Harwood Community Center in Harwood, ND.  Merideth Sorensen, was diagnosed with cancer when she was nineteen weeks pregnant with her daughter, Hope. She is currently in a trial in the state of Maryland and will be travelling back and forth for several weeks. A benefit including a pulled pork supper, silent auctions and raffles is being held to help defray these costs.

The Lend A Hand Up program is providing $5,000 of boost funding to uplift generosity.

To learn more or make an online gift to the fund benefitting Merideth Sorensen, go to: 

Cash/Check gifts payable to Hope for Merideth Benefit Fund may be directed to Western State Bank, 755 13th Ave E, West Fargo ND or at their Fargo location by Target on 13th Ave.

Questions regarding this event may be directed to Robin Jack at

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