by Tom Blair
Tell me why a mayor of any town would try to outlaw the Big Gulp soft drink, the hamburger or anything else the public wants. After all, a mayor is not the king or dictator of the American public. Education is the key to change and rights should remain just those… rights.
Of course having better and more nutritional meals in our schools makes good sense and the leaders of any household should be able to have some control over the menu. Since the government has custodial rights of their military, it too should be able have some say so about the food their people eat.
I really am beginning to think that the people in political offices often suffer from some form of “Power over the people syndrome.” When we elect people, it’s to keep the system in balance, look after our financial well-being and run the countries basic business.
It’s not about being democrat, republican, conservative or liberal, it’s about the basics of running the country like our forefathers dreamed of. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness… and if a Big Gulp drink is your idea of happiness, go for it!
Liberty is the value of individuals to have control over their own actions. If you are a glutton who can’t get a Big Gulp drink, you probably will have to get two 16 oz cups of pop instead of one big one.
In a free country, you should be able to eat what you want. I love a Big Mac, I only have one about once a month, but when I want it, I WANT IT. McDonalds should not be dictated to by a politician to be able to sell me one either.
Now, cigarettes are a bad thing and could be outlawed by the Federal government because nicotine IS a dangerous drug. But don’t turn around and make a fortune by taxing the limit on them so the poor addicted people are paying $7.00 a pack while we all are being taxed double to support tobacco farmers.
I can’t think of a thing that the government doesn’t have their hands or in control of, including radio, TV, food, water, air, newspapers, airline, railroads, highways and electricity. And all of that isn’t bad but a Big Gulp soft drink? Salty Fries? Fatty bacon?
There ain’t no such thing as fat free bacon… is that next?
Tom “Road” Blair
Website: www.tomroadblair.com