Bar-B-Q’s for 75

Bar-B-Q’s for 75

Quantity cooking is usually a challenge, especially if you do not know exactly how many people will be attending an event.

Bar-B-Q’s are great to prepare when you do not have an accurate number of how many guests will be there because leftover meat can be frozen and used at a later date. The meat can be browned and the other ingredients added and be placed in a large roaster on low for quite a few hours before serving. Serve these with potato chips, cole slaw or baked beans for an easy meal.

Bar-B-Q’s for 75

15 Pounds hamburger

5 Large onions or the equivalent in dried minced onions

3/4 Cup brown sugar

1/4 Cup prepared mustard

1 Tablespoon salt

2 Teaspoons pepper

5 Cans (10 oz.) tomato soup

1 Bottle (44 oz.) catsup

1/2 Cup vinegar

Brown hamburger and onions in large pan. Place browned meat and all other ingredients in large roaster and bake at 300 degrees for 2 hours. Or, place in an electric roaster to bake and keep warm to serve.

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