Baked Bean Bake

First of all, I need to thank some of the readers for sending recipes to me. My weight is shooting upwards, as I like to try the recipes before I have them published. I can say that they have all been very good and easy to prepare. It’s just too bad that we don’t have our kids at home or hired men to try the recipes and have them be taste testers. I will give you a rhubarb recipe next week and one coming in June is a lemon dessert for summer solstice. The recipe today is from a neighbor who got it from her mother-in-law years ago from the Sparks magazine published by the REA in Halstad. She usually doubles the recipe for large groups. It is an oldie but goodie and always a favorite at church pot lucks or for family gatherings. We sometimes forget about the old recipes as we are looking for something new and different.

Baked Bean Bake

6 Slices bacon

1 Cup chopped onion

1 Can kidney beans (15 oz)

1 Can green lima beans (15 oz)

1 Can butter beans (15 oz)

1 Can garbanzo beans (15 oz)

1 Can beans with molasses (28 oz)

3/4 Cup catsup

1/4 Cup brown sugar

1/2 Teaspoon dry mustard

1/4 Teaspoon pepper

Fry Bacon until crisp, remove bacon from pan and saute onions in the bacon grease until tender. Combine onions, catsup, brown sugar, mustard and pepper with chopped bacon. Drain all the beans except the beans with molasses and mix all

together is a roaster; bake covered at 375 degrees 1 1/2 hours until heated through. I would put them in a crock pot and start on high for an hour or so and then reduce heat to low for 3-4 hours. This should serve 14.

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