Area Briefs


MOORHEAD – Eligible Moorhead homeowners can borrow $20,000–$25,000 for home improvements to be repaid when the owner moves or sells the house.

Other qualifications include:

Income: based on family size; limit for 2-person household $58,450

Property: older than 15 years

Code-required repairs must be completed and lead paint hazards must be addressed as part of the project

Mobile homes are ineligible

Applications processed on first-come, first-served basis. The wait time for your project could range from 6-18 months. For more details, application, and income limits, visit [Residents/Housing] or call 218.299.5375.

Other home-improvement resources for homeowners include:

Clay County Housing & Redevelopment Authority Rehabilitation Loans:  Borrow up to $37,500, no monthly payments, 0% interest, and forgivable after 15 years. Income limits apply (e.g. max. income for two-person household is $25,200). Visit or call 218.233.8883. 

Accessibility Ramps:  Temporary and permanent ramps are available to households that have a household member with mobility impairment. Incomes limits apply (a two-person household is $58,450), but there is no cost to eligible households.  A partnership with Freedom Resource Center (FRC) and the City of Moorhead’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, will construct permanent ramps.  Temporary aluminum ramps are also available for use until a permanent ramp can be installed if needed.  The property must be the primary residence of the applicant and a rental unit can be improved with written permission from the property owner.  Call 701.478.0459.

Minnesota Housing Finance Agency’s Minnesota Fix Up Fund:  Borrow up to $75,000 with a 10- or 20-year term.  Income limits apply (no income limits for energy and accessibility improvements); maximum household income limit is $139,200.  For more details, visit  

Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership (CAPLP): Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership (CAPLP) is teaming up with Group Workcamps to help improve homes within 30 miles of Moorhead from June 19-25, 2022. CAPLP is reaching out to older adults, persons with disabilities, single parents, and income eligible residents to transform homes and create better living conditions for families. Hundreds of youth from across America will come together for five days to do the work. Labor and materials are FREE to qualifying households. Households receiving assistance must agree to provide water, electricity for tools, a restroom for the volunteers, as well as an adult in the home the week of the repairs. Applicants will be contacted in spring 2022 about the status of their applications; fill out an application at For questions or a paper application, contact Robin at 218.512.1558 or email


FARGO – Brodie Gilbertson is a 14-year-old, West Fargo High School student and was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in mid-October 2021.  He is currently undergoing chemotherapy and has received multiple blood transfusions.  In addition, he has been battling the side-effects/reactions to the treatments he needs to fight this.  At some point in the future, he will be getting a bone marrow transplant at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Rochester, MN.

A fundraising benefit to help with medical and living expenses will be held on Friday, February 18, 2022 beginning at 6:00 at the Red River Regional Marksmanship Center, 640 16th St NE, West Fargo.  The benefit will include a free-will donation for a Taco-in-the-Bag meal, a fun shoot, and a bake sale.  There is also an online silent auction opening February 11 at 5:00 PM and closing February 18 at 8:00.  The items will be available for viewing and pickup at the benefit location on February 18th.  The link to Brodie’s online auction will be available on Brodie’s page at tomorrow.

The Lend A Hand Up program is providing $5,000 of boost funding to uplift generosity.

To learn more or make an online gift to the fund benefiting Brodie Gilbertson, go to

Cash/check gifts payable to the Brodie Gilbertson Benefit Fund may be directed to Bell Bank, 3100 13th Ave W / PO Box 10877, Fargo, ND 58106-0877.


MOORHEAD – Concordia’s Cultural Events will present a unique, cultural performance by Sumunar Gamelan and Dance Ensemble, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12, in Christiansen Recital Hall, Hvidsten Hall of Music. There will also be a free, dance workshop from 12-1:30 p.m. that Saturday in Hvidsten Hall.

Sumunar Gamelan and Dance Ensemble was established in 2002 to promote understanding of an appreciation for Indonesian music, dance, and culture through education and performance. As part of the Indonesian Performing Arts Association of Minnesota (IPAAM), a nonprofit dedicated to teaching, performing, and sharing the arts and culture of Indonesia, the performing ensembles are known as Sumunar which means a glowing, brilliant light – one that is radiant and beautiful, and one that illuminates and warms the soul.

This will also be the inaugural performance use of Concordia’s gamelan, an ensemble consisting largely of gongs and metal-keyed instruments that is prominent throughout much of Indonesia. Concordia’s gamelan was made in the Surakarta (Solo) area on the island of Java.

Tickets for the evening performance are $20 for adult general admission and $18 for senior general admission – K-12 and college students will be admitted for free at the door. For tickets, visit or call the Office of Cultural Events at (218) 299-4366. Masks are required.


MOORHEAD – The next Crime Free Multi-Housing training class will be held over the course of two Tuesday evenings, March 1 and March 8, from 5-9 pm, at the Law Enforcement Center, 911 11 St. N.  Resident managers and landlords who attend this training will learn about spotting drug activity, crime prevention through environmental design, fair housing, applicant screening methods, evictions and legal issues facing landlords.  Interested participants must register on-line or contact Leann Wallin at 218.299.5143.  Registrants must attend both evenings to receive a certificate of completion.  There are a limited amount of spots, so don’t delay in getting registered, especially if you are a new landlord who must take the class to be in compliance with your rental registration (see notation below).  

Note to new landlords:  Pursuant to section 9-7-3G of the City of Moorhead Rental Registration Code, all new rental registration applicants shall submit proof that they have completed crime free multi-housing classroom training within ninety (90) days of registering a rental property.

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