Area Briefs


Gold Medallion

$1,000 in Hornbacher’s gift cards – Thomas Freuch is the winner of the Gold Medallion and $1,000 in gift cards to Hornbacher’s! Thomas started searching after Clue 3 when he figured the Our must signify a pronoun and thought Fargo. He also knows of the horseshoe pits in Moorhead that helped lead him towards that area. After kicking around for a while he was about to head back to his car and noticed some trash, sure enough his good deed of picking it up, led him to search under a nearby rock and found the hidden Medallion in Riverfront Park!

Red Medallion           

$500 Cash Prize  – Jason Mougey was the lucky winner of the Red Medallion and the $500 cash prize! Jason found the Red Medallion early in the morning after the third clue was released. Figuring it was Voll Park, he made his way to the park nestled on Fairway Drive. Others were there searching and he saw someone look under a pine tree but decided to look himself. After noticing an odd piece of wood, he moved to the side and found the Red Medallion!

Green Medallion        

$500 Moorhead Business Prize Package – Jacob and Jonathon Kalvoda found the Green Medallion and were the winners of the Moorhead Business Prize Package valued at $500! Jacob had an idea of the area on Day 2 when he googled “Summit” in Moorhead and found the Summit Ridge Apartments. On Day 3, he refreshed the clues right at 8:00 am and saw “The royal area” clue, went back to his Google Maps and saw Queens Park! Quickly they made their way to the park and searched for 20 minutes. After not having any luck, Jacob had to go to work but returned to Queens Park to ultimately find the prize!


MOORHEAD – Swing by the Community Life Center at Good Shepherd Church on Mondays or Thursdays to play.

October 2021 – April 2022

Mondays: 7:15-9:15 pm

Thursdays: 12:30-2:30 pm

Location: Community Life Center at Good Shepherd Church, 4000 28th St S, Moorhead

Interested in playing or learning to play Pickleball? This fun and energetic paddle sport is created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple and easy for beginners to learn, developing into a quick, competitive game for experienced players. Free to participate. 

Questions? Call 218.299.5340.


September 26, 12:00 – 3:00 pm

Mainline Bar and Grill, 9571 Highway 9 S, Downer, MN 

Two members of the Cossette family are currently battling medical challenges.

Brandon’s challenges started early in life when he was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia which required him to have his first surgery at 3 months old. He received a liver transplant just before his 5th birthday at the Children’s hospital in Madison, Wisconsin. He has been taking medications ever since.

Unfortunately, this year on July 30, 2021, Brandon had some abdominal pain that brought him to the clinic. He had a colonoscopy and a PET scan which identified that he has NonHodgkins Lymphoma. Almost immediately, Brandon started chemotherapy which will continue with 6 sessions every 3 weeks.

This was all taking place while his son, Huxon was in the Minnesota Children’s hospital along with his wife, Paige.

Huxon was born with VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect). He was having difficulty breathing causing poor feedings and poor weight gain. On August 6, 2021, Huxon had surgery to close the hole in his heart. He was able to rejoin his mom & dad at home in mid-August to recover. He is currently being monitored and will need follow-up care.

Brandon is an electrician – Paige is a nurse – I am Brandon’s Aunt, Lisa Spriggs and I am coordinating a fundraiser to help the family.


• Give through Venmo to: @Lisa-Spriggs-9

• Give online at, Give, Brandon and Huxon Cossette

• Direct a cash/check gift payable to “Brandon Cossette Benefit” to Bell Bank,

1333 8th St. South Moorhead, MN 56560

• Attend the benefit and/or shop the auction at

For more information: Contact Lisa at 218-790-5474

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