Area Briefs

MOORHEAD – The City of Moorhead, in coordination with the City of Fargo, is considering service changes to public transit operating hours, generally described below, to become effective July 1, 2024. From 2021 to 2024, MATBUS has enacted various temporary reductions in service hours to provide consistent, and reliable service levels in the face of a long-term driver shortage. In addition, MATBUS has seen changing ridership patterns post COVID-19, with rides dropping from 1.8 million in 2019 to 1.2 million rides in 2023. MATBUS is proposing to make a portion of the previously enacted temporary service changes permanent. This service change will allow for MATBUS to provide levels of service based on current ridership demands while addressing long-term driver shortages and a decrease in federal funding due to new allocation formulas applied to the Fargo-Moorhead urbanized area.
Changes to Service Hours: The proposed change would permanently reduce MATBUS and MAT Paratransit service hours to 6:15am-10:15pm, Monday through Friday and 7:15am-8:15pm on Saturdays. Previously, MATBUS and MAT Paratransit would operate 6:15am-11:15pm, Monday through Friday and 7:15am-11:15pm on Saturdays.
Informational Display: An informational display on the proposed route and service changes, as well as comment cards, will be in the lobby of the Ground Transportation Center from April 22 through May 8. Staff will be at the Ground Transportation Center to answer questions on May 6, 2024, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Written comments may be turned into the customer care center window and will be considered by staff prior to the final recommendation to the Moorhead City Council. The final recommendations will be made available to the public on May 8, 2024, at the GTC.
Public Hearing Dates: The proposed changes are considered major and will require a public hearing. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held for the consideration of permanent service hour changes on MATBUS and MAT Paratransit: Moorhead City Council, Monday, May 13, 2024, 5:45 pm, Hjemkomst Center, 202 1 Ave N, Moorhead.
At the hearing, interested persons will be afforded an opportunity to be heard with respect to the service hour reduction. In addition, written comments may be submitted in advance of the public hearing to: Lori Van Beek, Moorhead Transit Manager, 650 23 St N, Fargo, ND 58102, (701) 476.6686, For TDD Relay Service call 7-1-1

MOORHEAD – In partnership with The Fargo-Moorhead Convention and Visitors Bureau and Oak Grove Lutheran School, Concordia Athletic Director Rachel Bergeson announced a $2.8 million outdoor facilities revitalization project to once again host Cobber track meets, provide future community athletic opportunities, and make Concordia College the home for Oak Grove track and field events.
Work to resurface the track and football playing surface inside Jake Christiansen Stadium is currently underway. The project includes installing lights for the track and football stadium located on the south
end of the Concordia campus.
“This project is another step forward in providing quality facilities for our student-athletes,” Bergeson said. “We are also creating an environment that attracts students to our vibrant campus community.”
With a grant from FMCVB, Concordia has committed to hosting at least eight CVB related events in the newly renovated facility over the course of the agreement. Planning for specific events will begin this summer.
The track surface was last replaced in 2000 while the field turf playing surface on the football field was part of the Update the Jake campaign which was completed in 2010.
Both the track surface and the football turf installation will be completed by the end of the summer.

FARGO – The City of Fargo will begin its annual cleanup week schedule starting Monday, May 6, and continuing into the week of May 13. Debris will be collected on residents’ scheduled recycling collection day from 7 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Residents on the Week A schedule will have debris collected May 6-10, and Week B residents’ debris will be collected May 13-17. Residents should place unwanted debris on the boulevard in front of their property before 7 a.m. on their scheduled recycling pickup day. A collection schedule map is available at
Cleanup Week Reminders:
A limit of two appliances per household will be accepted.
Up to four tires and rims will be collected per household.
Logs and brush up to 10 inches in diameter will be accepted.
Building materials such as wood and concrete will not be collected.
Electronics, including televisions and computers, as well as household hazardous waste, including paints, stains and varnishes, should not be set out for pickup.
One television and one computer per household per month may be disposed of at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility, along with other household hazardous waste.
During the weeks of May 6-10 and May 13-17, Fargo residents can dispose of household waste, furniture and up to two appliances at the Fargo Landfill (4501 7th Ave. N.) free of charge. Building materials and concrete are not accepted. The Landfill is open Monday through Friday from 7:15 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 7:15 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The Household Hazardous Waste Facility (606 43 ½ St. N.) is open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. It is open from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Wednesday and from 8 a.m. until noon on the second Saturday of each month.
For more information, please visit

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