Area Briefs

MOORHEAD – The Moorhead Public Library will host a Pokémon Trainers Party on Saturday, April 20 in honor of the library being a Pokémon Gym, one of many locations where players can battle the Pokémon of rival teams. Youth of all ages are invited to join the library to participate in a variety of training exercises, craft activities and more. Costumes are encouraged and trading cards are optional. The event will be offered from 1-2:30 p.m. and is geared for youth ages 10-14.

MOORHEAD – One of Moorhead’s favorite times of the year is almost here…Cleanup Days. During the weeks of May 6-10 and May 13-17 (Oakport neighborhood is May 21), furniture, household goods, and appliances will be collected at single-family residence curbs on scheduled garbage days beginning at 5 am at no additional cost.
Your Cleanup Day will be your garbage day, OPPOSITE your recycling week.
If you are on A Week Recycling (red), your Cleanup Day will be on your garbage day the week of May 13-17.
If you are on B Week Recycling (blue), your Cleanup Day will be on your garbage day the week of May 6-10.
Exception: Oakport neighborhood will be May 21, same as recycling day.
Apartments are not eligible for curbside pickup.
All residents may bring excess garbage to the Resource Recovery Center at the times noted below, free of charge with proof of residency.
For more information, visit the Cleanup Days page or call 218.299.5347 from 8 am-noon or 218.299.5465 from noon-3:30 pm.
Cleanup Days require a huge amount of effort, coordination, and cooperation. Please follow these guidelines:

Tires will NOT be collected at the curb. Homeowners will need to dispose of them at retail tire stores or the Resource Recovery Center for a fee.
Sort appliances, furniture, household garbage, metal, etc. into piles; different trucks collect specific items.
Use disposable containers such as cardboard boxes (no loose garbage please).
Do not set items out more than one day earlier than your Cleanup Day.
During Cleanup Days, crews will not return to pick up garbage set out after your garbage day.
Two appliances per household will be picked up free of charge. Remove refrigerator and freezer doors for children’s safety.
Do not place food or waste inside appliances.
No commercial waste will be accepted.
Keep garbage totes at least 4 feet away from Cleanup Days items.
Empty propane tanks will also be collected (valves need to be removed or a hole needs to be drilled into the tank).
If you would like to get a jump on spring cleanup, bring furniture, household goods, and excess garbage to the Resource Recovery Center (3322 15 Ave N) from April 29-May 18 (open Saturday May 4 and 18), from 8 am-4 pm, free of charge. (This also applies to apartments.) Fees will apply for demolition/construction materials; proof of Moorhead residency required (i.e. driver’s license).
Demolition/construction materials
Lumber, concrete, sheet rock, fencing material, windows, doors, asphalt shingles, vanities and cabinets
Take these items to the Clay Demolition Debris Landfill, 6 miles west of Hawley and ¼ mile north of Highway 10; 701.642.3207
Resource Recovery Center, Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm; first and third Saturday of each month, 8 am-11:30 am; 3322 15 Ave N, Moorhead; 218.299.5016. Enter the 15 Ave N entrance.
Residential electronics
Computers, computer monitors, computer peripherals, televisions, fluorescent bulbs, LEDs, cell phones, rechargeable batteries
Household chemicals
Paint, stain, varnish, automotive fluids
Take these items to the Resource Recovery Center, Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm; first and third Saturday of each month, 8 am-11:30 am; 3322 15 Ave N, Moorhead, MN; 218.299.5016. Enter through the 15 Ave N entrance.

MOORHEAD – The Clay County Resource Recovery Center in Moorhead and the Clay County Landfill near Hawley are seeking clean up volunteers this spring. Volunteers will be picking up litter around the grounds. This is a great fundraising opportunity for adult service organizations and youth clubs, youth sports teams and youth groups in Clay County.
Clean up opportunities are Saturday, April 20th 8:00am to noon.
Clay County Solid Waste will make a $50 donation to the organization for each individual who works a 4-hour shift up to $500 per group.
Youth volunteers need to be old enough to independently pick trash.
If youth are younger than 16 at least one adult volunteer per 5 youth is required for each shift.
Wear clothing appropriate for the weather and closed toe shoes. Gloves are recommended.
Call Shannon at 218 299-7329 as soon as possible with any questions or to volunteer.

FARGO – The Fargo Fire Department, in cooperation with The City of Fargo’s Public Works Department, will be conducting hydrant flushing and inspections beginning on Tuesday, April 16. This process is completed annually to maintain hydrants and ensure proper working order. Each year, City staff members flush over 7,500 hydrants.
During the flushing process, it is not unusual for iron oxide to become dislodged, which can result in slight water discoloration. If residents experience water discoloration, they are encouraged to let the water run for a few minutes, allowing the iron oxide to clear from the system. If residents notice rust deposits on laundry, please call 701.241.1469 to receive a small packet of detergent that will remove the rust from clothing.
Motorists and pedestrians are urged to use caution when approaching an area where hydrant flushing is in progress, as the roadway and sidewalk will be wet and could affect pavement conditions.

MOORHEAD – Moorhead Public Service (MPS) has received national recognition for achieving exceptional electric reliability in 2023. The recognition comes from American Public Power Association (APPA), a trade group that represents more than 2,000 not-for-profit, community-owned electric utilities.
APPA helps electric utilities track power outage and restoration data through its subscription-based eReliability Tracker service. Once every year, APPA’s Reliability Team compares this data to national statistics tracked by the U.S. Energy Information Administration for all types of electric utilities.
“It’s encouraging to see year after year that public power’s track record for providing highly reliable service is backed up by data,” said APPA’s Director of Research and Development Paul Zummo. “These utilities are the best of the best when it comes to keeping the lights on. And these communities should be proud of their local power providers and appreciate the hard work that goes into earning this recognition.”
Nationwide, the average public power customer has their lights out for less than half the amount of time that customers of other types of utilities experience.
“We are proud to receive this recognition. It is a testament to the hard work of all our staff to ensure that we keep Moorhead powered,” said General Manager Travis Schmidt.

FARGO – Area crafters are invited to free up some space or freshen up their craft supply stash at the Fargo Public Library’s spring craft supply swap Saturday, April 20, starting at noon at the downtown Main Library.
Area residents can drop off new or gently used craft supplies at any Fargo Public Library location through Friday, April 19, and receive a ticket for early entry to the swap. On Saturday the swap will be open to everyone starting at noon; however, those with a ticket can enter at 10 a.m. Any supplies remaining after the swap will be donated. Suggested craft supplies for the event include fabric, sewing/embroidery thread and notions, yarn, ribbon, rubber stamps, scrapbooking items, craft kits, craft instruction books, patterns and children’s craft kits and supplies. For more information, contact Christina at 701.241.8199 or the Main Library Information Desk at 701.241.1492.

Book Sale Scheduled at Moorhead Library April 25-27
MOORHEAD – The Friends of the Moorhead Public Library have scheduled a sale of used books at the Moorhead Public Library from April 25-27.
The Book Sale will be held in the lower level of the Moorhead Public Library, 118 5th St. S., from 4-8 p.m. on Thursday, April 25 and from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday, April 26 and on Saturday, April 27.
Items will be individually priced on Thursday and Friday and will be sold for $5 per bag on Saturday. All proceeds will be used to support the library.

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