area briefs


MOORHEAD – Tonight, Oct 6, The Seventh Judicial District Equal Justice Committee and the City of Moorhead Human Rights Commission are hosting a community listening session in an effort to understand and improve the experience of the public with the judicial system at the Hjemkomst Center. 

The listening session is intended to be an informal discussion between judges and court officials and people who live in the district about their local justice system, and their experiences and ideas for improvement. Understanding the experience of court participants and gathering feedback are critical elements of ensuring courts are working to improve access to justice and public trust and confidence in the justice system.

Light refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public.


MOORHEAD – All Lake Agassiz Regional Library (LARL) branches and LINK sites will be closed on Monday, October 10 for staff development and will resume regular hours on Tuesday, October 11. 

LARL’s branch libraries are located in Ada, Bagley, Barnesville, Breckenridge, Climax, Crookston, Detroit Lakes, Fertile, Fosston, Hawley, Mahnomen, McIntosh and Moorhead. LARL’s LINK sites are found in Cormorant, Frazee, Gonvick, Halstad, Hendrum, Lake Park, Rothsay, Twin Valley and Ulen.


BISMARCK, N.D. – The state’s Health and Human Services agency is reminding North Dakotans who may need help paying their winter heating bills that they can now apply for the state’s home energy assistance program. Applications for the upcoming 2022-2023 heating season can be submitted now through May 31, 2023.  

Depending on a household’s needs, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) may also help pay for weatherization services such as home insulation and weather stripping around doors and windows; furnace cleaning, repair or replacement; and chimney inspection and cleaning. Emergency assistance is also available to prevent service shut offs.  

Individuals can apply for LIHEAP and other assistance online at, locally at a human service zone office, or by mail. For help applying, North Dakotans can also contact Community Options, a partner agency, toll-free at (800) 823-2417.  

In addition to assistance with heating costs, North Dakotans struggling to pay for food, rent and other housing costs, child care or medical coverage can apply for other helpful programs at


MOORHEAD – Beginning Monday, October 3, Moorhead Public Service (MPS) will begin their Annual Fire Hydrant Inspection and Flushing Program in several locations throughout its water distribution system, which services the city of Moorhead. Hydrant inspections will take place Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and should take approximately four to six weeks to complete.

The primary purpose of this Program is to verify the proper operation of the City of Moorhead’s (City’s) approximately 1,750 fire hydrants through annual inspections and preventative maintenance. A pro-active hydrant maintenance program is the key to ensure that the City maintains adequate fire protection, and all hydrants, valves, and watermains are in working order.

This Program does require the operation of the hydrant during inspection. As a result of this operation, there may be some minor and temporary inconveniences, such as a reduction in water pressure and aesthetic issues, i.e., discoloration of the drinking water. Operating fire hydrants stirs up sediment, iron, and manganese mineral deposits in the watermains causing temporary discoloration. Discolored water poses no threat to the public’s health, but may stain laundry and may have an unpleasant taste. Customers should refrain from laundering clothes or using hot water during flushing times.

Although residents may experience some temporary inconveniences, this Program is necessary in order to maintain good water supply for both firefighting and so MPS can continue to provide the highest quality product to its customers. Your patience during the Program is appreciated.

Please visit our website for more information and answers to frequently asked questions related to this Program:


MOORHEAD – The next Crime Free Multi-Housing training class will be held on Tuesday, October 25, 8 am – 5 pm, at the Law Enforcement Center, 911 11 St. N. Resident managers and landlords who attend this training will learn about spotting drug activity, crime prevention through environmental design, fair housing, applicant screening methods, evictions and legal issues facing landlords. Interested participants must register on-line or contact Leann Wallin at 218.299.5143. Registrants must attend the entire day to receive a certificate of completion. There are a limited amount of spots, so don’t delay in getting registered, especially if you are a new landlord who must take the class to be in compliance with your rental registration (see notation below).

Note to new landlords: Pursuant to section 9-7-3G of the City of Moorhead Rental Registration Code, all new rental registration applicants shall submit proof that they have completed crime free multi-housing classroom training within ninety (90) days of registering a rental property.

Bi-weekly scheduled branch pickup ended September 30

MOORHEAD – The City of Moorhead Forestry Department’s bi-weekly brush chipping service ended for the year on September 30, which means forestry crews are no longer picking up branch piles on scheduled pickup days. However, residents still can call and request a curbside pickup or haul branches and brush to the City of Moorhead compost site. To request a branch pickup, please call Public Works at 218.299.5422 or submit a work request on the Forestry web page.

The compost site is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-4:15 p.m. and Saturdays from 8-11:45 am until November 19. Visit our website for more information on brush chipping and pickup services. Until the compost site closes for the season, free woodchips and compost are available to the public. The chips are great for flower beds and other landscaping needs.

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