Area Briefs 1.28.16

*Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership opens free tax site January 28th

Lakes & Prairies Community Action Partnership will open its free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site beginning Thursday, January 28th. The Walk-In tax site will be available for Minnesota families and individuals who meet the below eligibility guidelines. The site will operate on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, through April 12th.

In addition, Walk-In tax assistance will also be offered on Wednesdays in February. In all cases, hours of operation will be from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. on a first come basis.

The Lakes & Prairies Tax Site is entering its 11th year of operation. Supervising staff and volunteer preparers are IRS Certified.

The Walk-In tax service is located at:

Lakes & Prairies Free Tax Site

715 11th St North Suite 402

Moorhead, MN

Eligibility Guidelines:

• Single: with income of $30,000 or less

• Family: with income of $50,000 or less

• Investment income less than $3,000

** The site can not file returns for those who own their own business or are independent contractors. **

The community action agency is also offering tax assistance by appointment in Hawley, Barnesville and Breckenridge. Phone numbers, dates and times for these locations are available on the website.

For more information including a “What to bring” checklist as well as a map with directions, please visit our website at .

*Loon Call for Art

The Rourke Art Museum is looking for loon-themed artwork (“loon,” like the bird) to sell in the Rourke’s lobby gift shop. Loon artwork will be sold on consignment for the duration of Mackenzie Kouba’s exhibit Escape to the Loony Bin, March 4th – April 17th 2016.

Artists will receive 60% for sold consignment artwork. Artists who are featured in the gift shop during this time will also be invited to the opening members’ reception of Kouba’s exhibit, March 4th, 2016.

The Rourke will also be asking for donations to Gladys Ray Shelter and Veteran Drop-In Center.

Please contact Trudy Sundquist, Program Director, at or (218)236-8861 for questions and submissions.

Please provide name, title, size, year, price, and image in submission.

Submissions are due by February 19th and artists can submit up to 5 pieces. Two dimensional artwork can be no larger than 40”x40”. Three dimensional work can be no larger than 30” long and 10” wide.

When Your State Deals You Lemons by Mackenzie Kouba.

*Home Improvement Loans for Eligible Moorhead Residents

0% Interest, No Monthly Payment

City of Moorhead is accepting applications for a home improvement loan program to finance safety and energy efficiency upgrades, as well as general housing preservation.

These federally-funded loans for income-eligible residents have 0% interest, no monthly payments, and only need to be repaid when you sell or move out of your home. This program is operated on a first come, first serve basis and there is currently a waiting list. New applications will likely result in projects in 2017, though it’s possible that some new applications may result in 2016 projects. Applicants must live within Moorhead city limits.

Contact Neighborhood Services at 218.299.5375 with questions.

*North Dakota Department of Health Urges Parents to Vaccinate Their Children against Human Papillomavirus

The North Dakota Department of Health (NDDoH) reminds the public that everyone, girls and boys, between the ages of 11 and 26 should receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for the prevention of cervical and other cancers during National Cervical Health Awareness Month in January.

According to Molly Howell, Immunization Program Manager with the NDDoH, every 20 minutes someone in the United States is diagnosed with HPV-related cancer. “We have an amazing opportunity to prevent certain types of cancer in future generations through HPV vaccination,” said Howell. “Sadly, only 41.7 percent of girls and 25.3 percent of boys between 13 and 17 years of age in North Dakota are completely vaccinated against HPV.

A three-dose series of HPV vaccine for all adolescents 11 to 12 years of age, with catch-up vaccination at ages 13 to 26, can prevent HPV infection and its associated cancers. “It is important to be vaccinated against HPV early, before being exposed,” said Howell. “Three out of four new HPV cases are found in people ages 15 to 24.”

Parents are encouraged to visit or for more information.

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