In just the last week I’ve read about three — three different sexual assaults and molestations committed by three different male perpetrators. All were known to have sexually abused children. While it’s generally understood deviates have always walked among us, I would like to believe the majority are eventually caught and dealt with. “Dealt with” not necessarily in the manner I would prefer—like hanging each and every one of them up by their gonads until they died from sheer torturous pain, but at least each would experience the inside of a jail cell for a very long time.

The one that really confounds me is the one in Stark County, North Dakota. The Dickinson Press ran a story with the headline: “Accused ND Guardsman avoids prosecution for now.” FOR NOW? What?!? The story goes on to explain that because this 47-year-old man has served two tours in Iraq, Jim Hope, the Stark County Prosecutor, decided not to prosecute this North Dakota National Guardsman “if he successfully completes probation” using his military service as a decision-making factor during the pretrial diversion case. And what, might you ask, is a pretrial diversion? It is a referral of a suspect to rehabilitation or restitution, rather than prosecution, whereby if a suspect actually meets the conditions required, all criminal charges are dropped. In this case, the gross sexual imposition charge against North Dakota National Guardsman Charles Rousseau will be dropped after five years if he complies with conditions.

I am asked often why I prefer to live in Minnesota rather than North Dakota? Rules of law.The case described above is a very good example. Let’s put it this way: had Guardsman Rousseau acted upon his deed in Clay County, I dare say Judge Lisa Borgen would not have been swayed by his two tours of duty to Iraq, but far more by the life and psychological trauma this creep left with the child he assaulted.

Knowing Clay County Judge Borgen and her reputation for protecting children at the hands of abusers, I seriously doubt this man would have received much sympathy, never mind a five-year “Get out of jail free!” card.

The only other question I am left wondering about is this: considering that Rousseau is 47 years old, how many other victims may there have been, prior to his finally being caught?

The only lesson this provides is that if you belong to a military unit and decide to break the law, best if you do it in Stark County, North Dakota. Apparently Prosecutor Hope has a soft spot for military personnel.


The New York Times recently reported that Republican Senator Mitch McConnell has “no problem with ending tax breaks for special interests.” Really? Well, except for owners of thoroughbred racehorses, claiming the tax breaks they receive being in jobs for Kentucky.And then there’s Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry – while beating his chest against corporate “welfare,” he also wants to eliminate tax breaks – except for beer brewers. In particular, the small beer makers, such as Samuel Adams, in Boston. Nothing “partisan” about those two, right?The United States tax code is 71,000 pages of how to cut taxes for the wealthy, while hammering the middle class. There are far more middle-class citizens than there are wealthy barons of commerce. So shouldn’t the real question be: Why do the middle class citizens keep re-electing the people who are literally sticking it to us? Remember, Congress is the body that writes and passes the tax breaks into law. They are also the folks who suspend or take away tax cuts and deductions. The last time a tax cut for corporate America was rescinded was about the same time Washington, D.C. became home base for all the lobbies now parking their butts on Capitol Hill. My guess is, anyone old enough to really remember when that started is probably very dead and in the ground by now.

Maybe that’s what we need to invest in – a “citizens lobby.” We once thought we were electing Representatives and Senators to fight our causes. Obviously, that isn’t so much the case any longer. The only thing left to do is hire a crew of obnoxious, loudmouth lobbyists who can match the lobbyists for the special interest groups and corporate America. But instead of their “client” – we, the citizens they represent, reaping the benefits of exotic vacations, club memberships to exclusive golf resorts, corporate jets, vacation homes, investments in NASCAR tracks, beer breweries and the list goes on and on – it will be the lobbyist who benefits for getting us, Mr. and Mrs. Average Taxpaying Citizen, the tax cuts and loopholes each year. Works for me! One thing is for sure—the way the system is now is definitely not working for the majority.


CONGRATS TO LT. BRYAN GREEN of the Clay County Sheriff’s Department of Minnesota, for being awarded the “State Director of the Year” award for 2011 at the Association of Minnesota Emergency Managers conference. AMEM is a statewide organization of 500 emergency management professionals, encompassing the full spectrum of emergency response agencies and personnel. This includes management directors from around the state, as well as law enforcement, fire, EMS, state agencies and community leaders. The State Director of the Year award is presented for outstanding performance by a member Director/Coordinator of Emergency Management in furthering the objectives of emergency management in their jurisdiction and association and emergency management in Minnesota.

Join the Moorhead Public Service celebration during Public Power Week in Moorhead. MPS invites the public to attend the following events on Thursday, October 6, 2011:

4:30 pm – Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at MPS’ Solar Demonstration Site. MPS recently installed a solar photovoltaic (PV) demonstration project at 2200 28th Street North to demonstrate the feasibility of solar PV in our community and to promote customer‑scaled renewable energy projects as part of our new Capture The Energy™ Program.

5:00 pm – Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony at MPS’ Centennial Generating Station.MPS recently completed construction of the Centennial Generating Station at 717 Southeast Main to provide reserve generation capacity for the regional transmission grid and back-up generation for the community of Moorhead in an emergency.

5:00-7:00 pm – Open House at MPS’ Centennial Generating Station

Refreshments will be served. Public tours will be available during this time at MPS’ Solar Demonstration Site, Wind Turbines, Centennial Generating Station, and Centennial Substation.

This would be a great time to bring the ‘next’ generation of energy users to educate and possibly introduce them to a science they have a major stake in for their future.

HAPPY # 58, ASH! Now who’s older?

For questions or responses email Soo at: or sooasheim@aol

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