A stellar 4th of July celebration

veteran’s corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

Steve Lunde, Wayne Wermager, Joy Rurup and Messiah Lutheran Church put on a stellar 4th of July celebration.

 Thanks much to the Fargo VA for getting so many veterans across the street to attend. The Gina Powers band was belting out tunes and the Red River Valley concert band was there with patriotic melodies.

The ND Adjutant General Alan Dohrman was the keynote speaker. He gave a very good speech about political divide and the common bond among service members is raising their right hand. There was a P-51 (WW2 plane) flyover. Many service organizations were there representing and serving as color guard. The FM Legion Riders and AMVETS Riders chapter 7 came in and charged the crowd with thunderous motorcycle noise.

Many food trucks were there and I regret mingling so much I missed getting a slushy drink. My friend David Brunsvold was there setup with the Honor Flight.

 The Moorhead and Fargo PD had a presence. Sherrifs Empting and Jahner were talking with many people in the crowd. I attend many, many events and these two are often at them. Morning, evenings, weekends and even holidays as this they are around. They truly care about this community and its citizens. Clay and Cass Counties are lucky to have them. An alternative to flooding local council chambers demanding to be heard, attending events like these can help causes immensely.

For the first time out this event put several points on the board. I cannot wait for next year.

Speaking of points. Thanks to the City of Moorhead and the MBA for a great fireworks show. It’s these great 4th of July traditions that really make Veterans serving aboard homesick.

The 4th of July away from home is one of the holidays that made serving special. New friends and new traditions from around the country are tried. I fondly recall 4th of Julys in many states and one in Juarez where we left ahead of a political riot. One tradition a friend of mine had was smoked ham hocks. “Oh the humanity”! It looked heavenly and tasted like Hell. Metatarsals should never be eaten or spelled. I have been asked if other countries have a 4th of July, yes they do. It’s in-between the 3rd and the 5th. Sorry not sorry for that.

The Felton Bar is sponsoring a car/ motorcycle run this Saturday the 10th. Departure is 12 noon. Proceeds are going to great Veterans causes. Prizes at every stop and the band Sidewinder will be cranking it up at 8pm.

More information checkout FM Legion Riders or J&S Felton Bar FB pages.


Be good everyone and enjoy each day.


To submit a story or veteran of the week email me at 11btwk@gmail.com.

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