Has your houseplant gone from green and vibrant to pale and weak? If you answered yes, all is not lost. With a little attention you can bring your houseplant back to its green and vibrant condition.
One of the biggest challenges to growing houseplants indoors is to provide them with enough light. Plants need light for photosynthesis, which is the process plants use to manufacture food essential for their survival. The amount of light a plant needs is largely dependent on the type of plant being grown, some do well with low light intensities while others require higher light intensities. See last week’s article for a list of plants. Plants that do not receive adequate light develop weak, leggy growth resulting in an unattractive plant. Plants that are stressed for light are also prone to a number of other problems such as insect and disease.
Houseplants that flourished in the spring and summer may need a brighter location. This can be accomplished by moving the plant to a brighter window, closer to the window, or providing supplemental light. If plants are moved closer to a window be sure they are not too close or they could be injured by cold temperatures. Dusty leaves reduce the amount of light a plant receives. Leaves can be cleaned by using a soft, damp wash cloth or by submerging leaves in a tub of warm water.
Houseplant survival is also dependent on regular watering. The challenge is how often to water. Water demands are dependent on several factors such as size and variety of houseplant, type of pot, and potting soil. Environmental conditions such as light, temperature, and humidity also influence water needs. It is not feasible to water on a rigid schedule, instead water houseplants when the soil begins to dry. A general rule of thumb for most houseplants is to water when the top half inch of soil feels dry. Some plants such as African violets need to be watered once the surface of the soil feels dry while most cacti need the soil to dry thoroughly before watering. Thoroughly soak the soil until water comes out of the drain holes, if a saucer is under the plant dump out the excess water after 15 to 20 minutes.
During winter months houseplants generally need little or no fertilizer, unless supplemental lighting is provided. If you choose to fertilize, it is recommended to use half the recommended label rate. With proper care this winter your houseplant will be green and vibrant this spring.
If you have plant questions please call me at the University of Minnesota Extension office, Clay County at 218-299-5020, 1-800-299-5020 or email me at nels1657@umn.edu. Check out our website at www.extension.umn.edu/county/clay/