The Beaver and the Chief

Chief Seattle once said, “Man did not weave the web of life – he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” Well, if you look at the ecological threats to our world now, it looks like the chief knew what he was talking about.

We have drought just about all over the country… except where there are floods, storms and high water. Something isn’t balanced just quite right. I believe the earth was made to be a little more balanced that is currently is.

I’m not sure just how bad the global warming thing is, but I am beginning to believe that what we have done to our air is affecting things.

I watched a nature show about beavers the other night. They are not really exciting creatures, but they sure were a blessing in the old days. Where there were beaver ponds, there was plenty of wildlife. Even when there was a drought… there was some water around, thanks to the beaver.

We just about killed them all off for fur back in the early times of America, but they are making a comeback and they are being used in a lot of areas where beaver ponds help nature and man.

We just keep sprawling out over more land and building where there should be water for the animals and us but we don’t stop. Beavers used to make several dams along a stretch of a stream and created a lot of habitat for fish, frogs, birds, and four-footed creatures… and we benefited.

Most of the time we have no idea if politicians are being truthful with us on issues. Some of them fly a big jet, destroying millions of cubic yards of good air, just to give a short speech on global warming. They sometimes say we need to spend millions on some project to help the environment and it only helps their local people and makes some government contractor richer.

We don’t know what to believe these days from most of our leaders. This oil fracking we’re doing in North Dakota and other states is certainly great for the economy, but some say it is highly dangerous to the environment. Maybe it’s true and maybe it’s not… I don’t know. But, you sure ain’t gonna hear North Dakota politicians saying; “Stop pumping toxic stuff in the ground.” (Even if they believed it could be dangerous).

We are hearing more and more about big sink holes in the ground (that swallow homes and cars). Some are water line related and some are not explained to us. When you take coal, gas, water, oil and other thing out of the earth, I believe something is going to cave in somewhere.

And now a word or two from Chief Seattle: “How can you buy or sell the sky or the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? This we know; the earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. All things are connected, like the blood which unites one family, all things are connected.”

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