Happy Father’s Day!

My dad died way too early. He was 52 years old and died of Pancreatic Cancer. I think of him every Father’s Day. He was the one that taught me how to throw a ball, put a worm on a hook, Crazy Eights, and the love of community. He was a Lion, a Toastmaster, and very active in community activities and politics. He would have been tickled that I am the mayor of this spectacular city.

My spouse, Ron, is my favorite Father’s Day celebrity now. He was the first to change the diapers on both of my kids and has always been a full partner as we raised our kids together. We each were able to teach our kids different things. They got the cooking and fix-it lessons from Ron, and the finance and general life lessons from me. When I would be in the long hours of tax season, Ron would pack up the kids, bring a meal and we would eat dinners in my office.

The roles of Fathers have changed over the years. Social norms have changed. I really enjoy watching young fathers that are in awe of having a child and all that means. I enjoy watching Grandfathers who perhaps didn’t take the opportunity with their own children, but do now. Sometimes, change is really, really good. Happy Father’s day to all you Fathers, Grandfathers and men who have impacted children’s lives over the years!

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