

With the U.S. government shutdown I, like many, keeping thinking, “What in the world is happening to this country?” This is not the American Dream I was taught about in school. To think of the furloughs of our National Guard members, the closing of National Parks and monuments, nutrition programs, border patrols, the list is almost endless. And what about the debt ceiling – will we get a vote on that before we, as a country, default on our nation’s debts?

Whatever side of this government “shutdown” fence you’re on, you have to admit that Actors Kevin Kline and Charles Grodin have what might be the right idea for fixing this economic dilemma.

In the movie “Dave,” Kevin Kline is a doppelganger for the current president of the United States and has been called to impersonate him. The president is alive but has suffered a massive stroke. Some of the sinister members of his staff are looking to take advantage of the situation, including having Dave veto a bill that would cut $650 million for the homeless portion of a major bill. He had no idea what he signed, but the president’s wife is irate that he killed a project that she had devoted her time and energy to get passed.

Dave sneaks his accountant friend (played by Charles Grodin) into the White House, puts the budget on the table, and tells him he needs to somehow find $650 million to get the funding back for the homeless bill.

Grodin asks, “Who does these books?” They stay up all night and come up with a way to save $650 million through deferred payments and cuts on totally useless items. And then it’s presented at the president’s meeting the next morning. The homeless portion of the bill now has enough to fund it.

I say this because it seemed so easy. Granted, it’s a MOVIE! But it certainly doesn’t sound unreasonable or impossible.

Just think what would happen if they had a building full of accountants going through the entire budget of the USA to offer their input to help save this country financially.

I bet the grand total of their suggestions would shock the citizens of this country. Don’t get fooled, folks, the waste is still there. If Grodin and Kline found $650 million in one night, you have to wonder what could be done in real life.

This constant bickering between political parties is so sad and sickening that I truly believe it’s numbing the minds of some Americans. They know there’s nothing they can do about it until the next election.

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