ESPN’s College Game Day


When I first heard about the street closings in Downtown Fargo for the upcoming show, I, along with many others, had no idea of the scope and space this production was going to take up on Broadway. The calls flowed into our studios at KFGO for days complaining that ESPN should have set up their production on the campus of NDSU. I think Bison Tailgaters would have been more upset to see dozens of their prime partying spaces taken away from them so ESPN could set up out at the Dome. Where would they have tailgated then? Downtown? Thank goodness ESPN had the foresight and picked the perfect spot… Hey I’m not the only one who said “They know what they’re doing. This show was seen around the world. Upon scanning of the internet, viewers across the country were awfully impressed with the show and the reaction of Bison Fans and Fargo in general. And the actual “Woodchipper” from the movie Fargo was there!

After passing out T-shirts to KFGO listeners at 7am, I stayed until the end. Here’s a couple of observations.

The on-air talent of ESPN was working. Many times I heard people calling for autographs or pictures, especially with Samantha Ponder, and former Heisman trophy winner Desmond Howard. The show is planned down to the second. If they missed a cue or a staging, I would guess they would be in for a lengthy “talkin’ too” after the show. Some were not happy and uttered a few words I can’t print. BUT when the show wrapped, Samantha Ponder was out taking photos with fans, and I heard Desmond Howard was signing footballs. Would you ask Coach Craig Bohl for an autograph during the middle of a game? I don’t think so! You just have to know when to ask. It’s that simple.

When Lee Corso came out of the Fargo Theatre wearing Thundar’s (the Bison Mascot’s) head predicting a Bison victory over Delaware State, he was accompanied by a bison from the Chahinkapa Zoo in Wahpeton. “Corso” was brought in from the back of the Fargo Theatre, straight up the center aisle where he met Lee Corso. Rumor has it, Lee Corso, and “Corso” the Bison got along well. There are conflicting reports that Corso came through the theatre accident free. That’s Corso the baby Bison.

When the show wrapped up the thousands began to flow out of Downtown Fargo and headed for their cars or even walking all the way to the Fargodome for the game. The sidewalks were absolutely jammed packed with people; the term “baby steps” would seem like NASCAR at the rate the crowd was moving. At one of the pubs that had opened early, the doorman stepped out and shouted “You folks will have to clear the space in front of this door please!” Those within earshot got the biggest laugh of the morning. “Where are we supposed to go?” The doorman responded in a giggle “its part of the job, I have to say it.”

There were a number of downtown businesses whose sales may have been a little off during those few days. Make sure you stop by and do a little extra business with them the next time you drop by. ESPN producers tweeted it was a great experience in Fargo, and don’t be surprised if they do it again.

Next time around.

Ever been greeted at a friend’s door by their dog or cat? Seen the kids with a hamster or a gerbil? They’re asking for snakes and lizards now. But wait until I tell you about “Rusty…..”

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