Right on the edge


Catching Up

After just talking to our son about his step-daughter and her boyfriend going to prom last week-end, I am simply dumb-founded. Never mind that the cost of buying a prom dress has risen to the level of being akin to a “mini-wedding” these days, but in order to be able to attend, prom tickets must also be purchased. Our son’s step-daughter’s school charged $105 per person.

Now if you figure a class of 300 x 2, that’s $63,000! WHERE EXACTLY is the money charged to attend a high school prom going at $105 per student? New books? Are they offering a new class and this money is paying for the teacher? WHERE? Our son plans on following up on this very question. I haven’t questioned much about the high school prom business around the F/M area other than wondering if there has been a collection of brain matter from parents who apparently think spending “on average” $1,100 for prom is “just fine.” And no, it matters not whether every student attending is paying their own way or if mom and dad are paying for it.

The very idea that a high school student needs to pay such an outrageous amount of money for one dance says volumes about what values are being instilled in today’s young minds. To say the least, it’s scary.

To say the most, I’m sure glad I am not raising children today! And yes, I did go to prom. Three times, as a matter of fact. And I can guarantee that all three times did not add up to what one prom attendee doles out today. My question is WHY? And WHO the heck started this money grab at the expense of parents (especially girls), and what about the students who simply cannot afford to go? Guess that says a lot about the “all inclusive” schools today, doesn’t it? Where are the PTA’s of today? Where are the administrators who can and should be putting a “wait a minute” thought into the insanity? I’d love to hear the other side of this argument. Anyone willing to enlighten me and the rest of us who have “been there, done that” from other generations and who have also reared teenagers, I promise to listen. I do not promise to agree. But I really do want to understand what has changed so much in a little more than 10 years (when our last child graduated).


Recently I was asked about the schedules for the public meetings that are regularly broadcast on Moorhead’s Access Channel 12. Most wanted to know about the Moorhead City Council and Clay County Commission meeting schedules and the Moorhead Public Service meetings. Tony, manager of Access Channel 12 sent this to me:

MOORHEAD CITY COUNCIL: Airs LIVE Monday nights at 5:30PM. That meeting replays: WEDS. 12 am (Tues. midnight) and 7pm; THURSDAY at 3am; FRIDAY at 12am & 7pm; SATURDAY at Noon & 7pm; SUNDAY at Noon & 7pm; MONDAY at 12 midnight and TUESDAY at 3:30 am.

CLAY COUNTY: Airs TUESDAY at 12am & 8pm; THURSDAY at 8pm; SATURDAY at 12am & 4pm; SUNDAY @ 12am & 8am.

Other meetings such as Moorhead Public Service, Park Advisory Board, Planning Commission, Economic Development Authority, and Human Rights Commission are shown in between these times, generally overnight and from 4pm to 7pm and after 9pm. And no, I’m sorry to say the Moorhead School District still is not taping their meetings. Apparently there are still two or three on the board who feel the public really doesn’t need to know what they are saying, doing, deciding and voting on regarding the schools in Moorhead. Too bad – maybe they could actually come up with a solution for the excessive cost of prom, or at least they could explain where the money for entrance tickets is going. But unless you decide to attend one of the Moorhead School Board meetings, well, maybe calling each of the board members personally is the next best and at this point, only alternative.


Yes, finally! And with it comes a plethora of fun events and get-to-know-your-neighbor things to do. There will be a SPRING RECEPTION at RIVERZEN, May 7 from 5 – 8 p.m. In case you are not familiar with what or where Riverzen is, head to Juano’s on Main Avenue. RIVERZEN is an art gallery inside the same building, and what a trove of treasures there is to be found! There will be food and music and artists showing their talents. 315 Main Avenue, Moorhead.

Mark your calendars for the second Thursday of each month from May until the end of August for Moorhead’s BIKE NIGHT! Beginning May 9, get the motorcycle shined up and head over to south 21st Street in Moorhead for the first of this year’s Bike Night extravaganzas! This year the new hot spot for Bike Night is at Gio’s Grill & Bar. The easiest way to remember it if you aren’t familiar with Moorhead is to think of where the Moorhead High School is located. Gio’s is directly across from the high school. Another way is to think of Moorhead’s one and only underpass. If you know where that is, you definitely cannot miss it. The “my bike is prettier than yours” showcase begins at 5:30. Hope to see you there!

Questions or comments? Please email Soo at: sooasheim@aol.com.

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