Road Test

TomB column 3-29-12.psd

by Tom Blair

Answers at the end-

1. We have troops in Afghanistan fighting for:

The Afghan people.

So American defense contractors can make a lot of money.

Freedom for Afghans.

Freedom for America.

Keep troops from coming home & adding to the unemployment.

2. Government should take over more private businesses because:

a. American business men don’t know how to run a business.

b. The President wants more power & Government dependency.

c. It helps us get closer to Socialism.

d. It kills incentives for companies to regroup and be successful.

e. Government does such a good job running things.

3. Our leaders running for office don’t talk about drug problems because:

a. They don’t really care much.

b. It’s not really “trendy” right now to talk about our drug problem.

c. Maybe 47% of the people are “using” and that would affect the election.

d. Most of the drugs are brought in by rich, powerful, influential voters.

e. We don’t really care enough ourselves to ask them why.

4. The biggest problem we have in America is:

a. Unnecessary wars.

b. Too much Government reckless spending.

c. Money in politics.

d. Too many leeches getting freebies.

e. Corporate tax loopholes.

5. We might help solve our National debt if we:

a. Do nothing & continue the current direction we are going.

b. Elect leaders who know something about running a business.

c. Use more tax dollars to create jobs and a false economy.

d. Just print more money and give it away to everyone.

e. Find out why nearly half the people in the U.S don’t pay taxes.

6. We can end border controversy by:

a. Putting up a bigger & better fence.

b. Just let everyone come in and don’t worry about security because terrorists are not Mexicans.

c. Only let in Hispanics who are not drug dealers & have a job.

d. Just keep pretending we have a secure border & it will be fine.

e. Dissolve all immigration laws, we don’t need them these days.

7. Voter Fraud and ID’s for voters:

No one will vote more than once, so why have an ID.

No one gets arrested for voter fraud, so forget the law.

Keep bars open “during” voting so we can work up courage to make a decision on which unqualified candidate will do less harm to America.

Since poor people say they can’t afford Photo ID’s we’ll vote for them, picking whichever candidate is giving the best benefits (thats 47% of the group).

Let everyone vote 10 times or more and it will be fair for both sides.

8. We are fighting wars all the time because:

a. We are the good guys and want everyone else to be like us.

b. It has become a necessary part of our financial structure & economy.

c. We want to force others to see how great it is to have a strong democratic country where only 46 million people live in poverty.

d. We fight in the name of freedom because of oil and money.

e. America has been violent & aggressive since we put Indians in their place.

9. What about energy:

a. Continue being dependent on foreign oil, it helps other countries.

b. Start drilling for oil in our country, since we have more oil than anyone else.

c. Build more refineries.

d. Develop a program called “Cash for electric cars.”

e. Have our armies help build wind generators and oil pipelines.


1. Possibly all, who really knows for sure.

2. None, Government should stay out of private business.

3. Good chance all are true.

4. I am sure all are correct, what do you think?

5. I’d say b and e are sure winners.

6. 6. None of these will solve the all the problems because our government doesn’t seem to recognize there “is” a problem.

7. If I had to pick one, c makes better sense.

8. b just might be true, d sounds reasonable and I am not sure, but even e might have some merit, ya think?

9. b makes sense and so does c. I’d rather see our troops building pipelines and electric cars here than dying in countries who hate us.

Tom “Road” Blair


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