Media in Control


Here’s a little news story you probably never heard about. It recently happened in Phoenix. By now, the scene is familiar: two men who don’t know each other get into an altercation — one black, one Hispanic. One has a handgun and shoots the other dead.

The victim is unarmed. The shooter claims self-defense and walks free. For more than a month, the victim’s family waits to see whether authorities will file charges against the shooter.

Except this tragedy did not play out among the hedges of a Sanford, Fla., apartment complex, where a Hispanic neighborhood watch volunteer shot and killed an unarmed black teen on Feb. 26. It occurred under the fluorescent lights of a Taco Bell parking lot in Phoenix on April 3, when a black driver and a Hispanic pedestrian got into a shouting match and the driver shot the pedestrian dead.

And unlike the Trayvon Martin case, in which civil rights leaders pounded their pulpits and thousands protested and signed petitions calling for an arrest, the death of Daniel Adkins Jr. has gotten little national attention.

Is it because a black shot a Mexican? Was it not newsworthy for “national” attention in the press?

It’s kind of like the Mexican-American war…it never was really played out much in the news or history books. We all know the white man took all the Indians’ land, but then again… it was just “Progress” on the white man’s part.

Many do not realize that when we were an early America, we didn’t own Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, all of Texas or even what is now called California. We wanted to buy it, even negotiated for the purchase of it, but when that didn’t work, we just took it all in what was called the Spanish-American War. (It still isn’t getting much press these days.)

I recall a story a year ago, when a TV station in Atlanta went undercover at a well-known, often used, illegal border trail used by illegals and drug runners. This story was showing dozens of Mexicans with large backpacks, carrying assault rifles towards the American border. I think Fox News showed the story after that, but it gained little “other” news attention. (I think it’s because some consider Fox News as “Republican,” so CBS, NBC and ABC don’t carry something that might be considered unfavorable to the present administration.)

With all the increase in murders in Chicago, New York and recently Seattle, the press continues to call it “GUN VIOLENCE” (a direct shot at gun control hearts). It isn’t gun violence, it’s GANG violence. The press wants you to look at gun control as a way of solving all these shootings and violence.

The cities involved have some of the toughest gun control laws on the books, but laws don’t prevent “gun violence.” More laws won’t either. But the press keeps hammering away, and just about all you hear from the mainstream media is… more gun control.

I recently talked with a Border Patrol agent about his job. I asked him, “Why is one of the most important law enforcement agencies in our national security chain so handicapped?” He answered me with one simple word – “Politics” – and that’s just what the press is all about these days.

Tom “Road” Blair

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