Have you noticed so many businesses appear to want our business, but give LESS service the

bigger they are?

I recently bought a new laptop computer; I didn’t want Windows Vista, because I like XP. But, the store said I couldn’t have Windows XP… “I’ll just remove Vista and put XP on it.” “You can’t do that, Vista is permanent on your new computer” the clerk said. “I bought a computer that I can’t do what I want to with it?”

The clerk basically told me to suck it up, go home and learn how to use Vista… Like it or not… and I don’t. It came with a trial edition of Norton Anti-virus, which I didn’t want. I have a paid subscription for McAfee, but again, I had no choice. It was a nightmare getting Norton off my computer but NOTHING compared to getting McAfee installed. It took two days, at around four hours each day, several attempts to get online support; one wasted $3.99 per minute call at 27 minutes… all because I had Windows Vista!!!!

I selected ENGLISH for the $3.99 per minute phone call to McAfee, but it seems that no one in support for anyone speaks understandable English anymore.

You can’t even buy a night-stand or table without having to put it together yourself, no one checks your oil unless you pay more and you get a “whiney-nasal-voiced computer” giving a commercial for the bank, take a survey and get a half dozen options and STILL don’t get a human to talk to. Then… if you don’t make the right decision, (or quick enough answer) the damn automated voice says…”GOOD-BYE” and hangs up.

No one takes our credit cards any more… WE have to swipe it now! (Too much work for them I guess). A couple weeks ago I spend over $2,600 at four businesses… NO ONE even checked to see if the card was mine, didn’t even check the signature or ask for ID. My card says C.I.D (Which means see I.D.) Are ya ready for this???? I signed the receipts with two words “B-U-L-L _ _ _ _” No one noticed… the clerk, the bank, or the credit card company!

Try to complain to someone about it??? (What a joke) They make it as difficult as they can to contact someone. I have decided to “DUMP” every company I currently do business with who doesn’t want to talk to me. If we all did that, we’d start getting service once again! Except Social Security. You haven’t LIVED until you try to deal the automated phone system at Social security.

Then… I remembered when I was a kid and my dad talking about paying a guy to bring his bull over to “Service” his cows… so now I know what they mean when today’s companies call it SERVICE!

Tom “Road” Blair

Website: www.tomroadblair.comHave you noticed so many businesses appear to want our business, but give LESS service the

bigger they are?

I recently bought a new laptop computer; I didn’t want Windows Vista, because I like XP. But, the store said I couldn’t have Windows XP… “I’ll just remove Vista and put XP on it.” “You can’t do that, Vista is permanent on your new computer” the clerk said. “I bought a computer that I can’t do what I want to with it?”

The clerk basically told me to suck it up, go home and learn how to use Vista… Like it or not… and I don’t. It came with a trial edition of Norton Anti-virus, which I didn’t want. I have a paid subscription for McAfee, but again, I had no choice. It was a nightmare getting Norton off my computer but NOTHING compared to getting McAfee installed. It took two days, at around four hours each day, several attempts to get online support; one wasted $3.99 per minute call at 27 minutes… all because I had Windows Vista!!!!

I selected ENGLISH for the $3.99 per minute phone call to McAfee, but it seems that no one in support for anyone speaks understandable English anymore.

You can’t even buy a night-stand or table without having to put it together yourself, no one checks your oil unless you pay more and you get a “whiney-nasal-voiced computer” giving a commercial for the bank, take a survey and get a half dozen options and STILL don’t get a human to talk to. Then… if you don’t make the right decision, (or quick enough answer) the damn automated voice says…”GOOD-BYE” and hangs up.

No one takes our credit cards any more… WE have to swipe it now! (Too much work for them I guess). A couple weeks ago I spend over $2,600 at four businesses… NO ONE even checked to see if the card was mine, didn’t even check the signature or ask for ID. My card says C.I.D (Which means see I.D.) Are ya ready for this???? I signed the receipts with two words “B-U-L-L _ _ _ _” No one noticed… the clerk, the bank, or the credit card company!

Try to complain to someone about it??? (What a joke) They make it as difficult as they can to contact someone. I have decided to “DUMP” every company I currently do business with who doesn’t want to talk to me. If we all did that, we’d start getting service once again! Except Social Security. You haven’t LIVED until you try to deal the automated phone system at Social security.

Then… I remembered when I was a kid and my dad talking about paying a guy to bring his bull over to “Service” his cows… so now I know what they mean when today’s companies call it SERVICE!

Tom “Road” Blair


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