Fargo National Cemetery takes a leap forward

Veteran’s Corner

Jason Hicks | Commander United Patriotic bodies
Fargo Memorial Honor Guard

Greetings to all.

Last week was a great leap forward for the Fargo National Cemetery. The Fargo Memorial Honor was officially endorsed by the Mayors of Fargo, West Fargo, Moorhead and the FM Chamber of commerce to be the official non-profit organization to work with the VA building a structure worthy of our Veterans and their families. Now you may be asking yourself, wait a minute these guys have been working on this project for close to three years, which is an accurate statement. Allow me to explain:
The Veterans administration which over sees the National Cemetery association has agreed to allow a structure to be built on their property. With the understanding when it opens the building will be turned over to the VA for operation and maintenance. Simply put without this agreement there will be no building at the cemetery. We tried and tried to purchase land separately and it didn’t work. So now this is the option. That being said our building design has been refined and tweaked. We have now officially submitted the “proffer” to the VA. Senator Hoeven explained it best, if we the honor guard submitted this on our own volition it is much easier for the VA to deny the offer, but with so many entities behind us it is far harder thus the collaboration with the cities and the chamber. I can say it is so wonderful to have such support for this project. And the absolute beauty is that we have not received a single dime from the Government, Local, State or Federal. I must add not for lack of effort we tried that too. And zilch for results.
We are well on our way to gathering all the funds needed. That being said there is still lots of time to donate. The Fargo Memorial Honor guard has facebook and a website. FMHG.org we also take old fashioned donations. Fargo Memorial Honor Guard 1001 1st Ave S, Fargo ND 58103.

As we move forward feel free to discuss the need for this structure at the Fargo National Cemetery. Take a visit out there and see what is needed. Winter is right around the corner and we continue our solemn duty year round. We do not stop for rain, sleet, snow or high winds. Thank you for the continued support of our nations Veterans.

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