Parade on a Perfect Evening

Grand Marshals Diane and Troy DeLeon, owners of Moorhead’s Historic Dairy Queen.

The 74th annual Greater Moorhead Days parade drew crowds of families to 20th Street South Friday evening, with perfect cool, sunny weather and untold piles of sweets tossed by marchers to the throngs of youngsters lining the curbs. Hundreds of pounds of candy were collected from the roadway and stuffed into brimming sacks by spectators. How much candy? The total must remain untold. But it was noted that American Crystal employees didn’t settle for packaged treats: They distributed hundreds of pounds of powdered and brown sugar to spectators from the bus that transports employees to Crystal plants throughout the Red River Valley. Continuing the evening’s sweet, sweet tone were Troy and Diane DeLeon of the Historic Moorhead Dairy Queen, who served as this year’s grand marshals. More pictures can be found on page 6. (Photos by Nancy Hanson.)

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