Watch out for food infesting beetles

Talking Plants

University of Minnesota, Clay County

Insects that feed on stored food are a common household problem. All of us, at one time or another, have gone to the cupboard to grab flour or oatmeal to make a delicious treat. But to our dismay, we opened the package only to find an infestation of insects. Thankfully these pests are usually easy to manage, however it may take a while for your appetite to return. University of Minnesota Extension Entomologist, Jeffrey Hahn (retired), has some helpful tips to combat these pantry pests.
Flour beetles, sawtoothed grain beetles, drugstore beetles, and cigarette beetles can infest a wide variety of dried food products, including (but not limited to) flour and other grain-based products, dried fruits, nuts, spices, such as dried red pepper, as well as dry pet food. These beetles are small, 1/10th – 1/8th inch long, and brown. They can range in shape from slender to stout and oval.
When these beetles are found in a home, the best control is sanitation. First find out what they are infesting. Because they are able to feed on many items, be sure to make a thorough inspection. Start in the kitchen and check all food items for their presence. However, do not forget about any susceptible items that may be stored in other areas of your home, e.g. pet food. Throw out any infested food material that you find. Keep in mind that there can be more than one infestation source so do not stop looking after you find the first one.
More information about stored food pests can be found at:
University of Minnesota,Clay County 218.299.5020.
Check out our website at https://local.extension.

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