2023 Recap

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

I’d like to thank the Spuds wrestling team and parents, Beverage Wholesalers, The Fargo VFW, The Moorhead American Legion and the Theta Chi Fraternity. This unlikely pairing of people got together to put on a community meal. Wrestlers delivered meals to the Moorhead Police Department, Fargo Police Department received meals too. Cass County Veterans Services Office showed up and delivered 50 meals to shut in veterans. Great job everyone!
The Spud Wrestling team is still doing a warm clothing drive going on for veterans and Jail Chaplains. New donations can be dropped off at any Fix It Forward location and the Moorhead American Legion.
Fix It Forward Ministry, they do some great things. As of this writing they have probably donated their 450th car. Many veterans have received cars.
Here is my list of significant military/veteran happenings of 2023.
Ukraine- it looks like a stalemate of a slugfest. The amount of dollars and resources makes me suspect. There are still private military companies. My thought is the money they’ve received could have been used to hire several companies to take it to Russia.
PACT Act- This is my generation’s Agent Orange. Burn Pits, and other exposure hazards in the Middle East. These exposures have just begun to scratch the health issues of GWOT Veterans. The PACT Act will ensure many ailments will be covered.
Military recruiting shortfalls- The services are dangerously falling short on new recruits. I’ve seen many reasons the DOD has presented. 80% of recruits have had family members serve. I’ve talked to many friends that are discouraging their young family members joining. The current military leadership structure is not trusted. Is the takeaway I hear. Warrior traditions and ethos need to be kept at the forefront.
National Defense Medal termination- Large scale military operations in certain geographic locations have been halted for the first time since 9/11/01. This is great we don’t have troops engaged. Sadly it’s doubtful our young service members will get to enjoy it.
As 2024 nears I’m optimistic it’ll be a good year for veterans groups.
I’m also hopeful our troops stay out of danger and recruiting goals can be met.

Send your veteran-related items to me at 11btwk@gmail.com.

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