Many great things going on

Veteran’s Corner

Jason Hicks | Commander United Patriotic bodies
Fargo Memorial Honor Guard

Greetings all,
As I sit and write todays article it appears winter is upon us, yep just like days of old (the 70’s) kids will get to experience Halloween with costumes that fit over winter clothing. In my day it was snowmobile suits and bread bags to line your boots to prevent your feet from getting wet, lol.
There are many great things going on in the Veterans world. Recently Valley news started a weekly segment called Valley Veterans the host is Jessie Aamodt hosts and Tom Krabbenhoft and I Co-host. Our format is very open, it can cover anything related to Veterans whether it be programs, benefits and simply information as it pertains to Veterans and military topics. We will also feature a monthly fun segment, not all military service is gloom and doom, there are some genuinely fun/funny things that occur. An example of one, we brought a case of MREs (meals ready to eat) for the Newsies to try for lunch, it was a lot of fun just watching them eat what soldiers have when in combat or field training.
The Fargo Memorial Honor Guard recently paired up with the Theta Chi fraternity in Fargo. Did you know that part of their charter is to support Veterans? This year they hosted a haunted house and raised around $2700 which is donated to the USO! What a great group of young men. They form lifelong friendships and learn the importance of giving back to the community. These young men are what is right with our country and certainly part of their greatest of their generation.
In closing, Veterans Day is fast approaching. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we will host our annual ceremony. This year it will be at the Center for the Arts of MSUM campus in Moorhead. There are many options available from our thankful community from free coffee to meals. One that I would like to mention here because there are so many things on Veterans Day is held by a very strong supporter of our local Veterans. The Super Buffet on 45th St will offer All Veterans a free buffet on November 8th from 11:00am to 9:00pm. The reason being is quite simple, the owners know well how many offers are on Veterans Day, so he made it a point that his business really wanted to thank us so his offer is not on the holiday. These offers should never be expected, but they are certainly always appreciated. To serve our country is a privilege.

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