Traumatic anniversaries

Veteran’s Corner

Tom Krabbenhoft

Recalling dates particularly as it relates to military service is often razor sharp. Anniversaries are often a reason for celebration. If that anniversary surrounds a traumatic incident, they take a different vibe. Traumatic anniversaries can trigger anxiety, depression, and withdrawal among other things. For me around mid-October I struggle with a few of these things.
In October 1993, I was participating in Operation Raider Fury in Alaska. North of Anchorage 100 plus miles I boarded a helicopter CH-47. I was elated as the back of a truck ride 100 miles sounded miserable.
We flew straight and true until a hydraulic actuator failed. We went into a right turn and never pulled out. As we augured down to the mountainside terrain I was convinced that was it.
Luckily it wasn’t my day!
2023, 30 years later in my mind I still board that helicopter. Sometimes it’s a pause, or a stare into nothing, seemingly aloof actions. I’m there again. I’ve suffered with severe physical pain since. I still question why I’m here and why it was not my time.
On the positive I believe it’s caused me to live a better life. I’ve never had a bucket list, I’m lucky to have filled many buckets.
Another date Sunday, 23, October, 1983 always holds meaning to me.
On an early morning in Beirut a terrorist drove a truck laden with explosives into the Marine Corps barracks. 241 of our finest lives were taken from us.
A local man John Olson was one of those tragically lost. I never met him. Soon entering the service myself I thought about him and other fallen comrades in the preceding years. I lucked out more than once and am lucky to be here.
An invisible bond exists between service members immediate respect. A fallen comrade is revered and remembered. It reminds us the price we pay for freedom.
“Semper Fi” is the motto of the Marines, “Always Faithfull” translated.
We should always be faithful to the memory of John and all those that paid the price.

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