ST. PAUL —Extra DWI patrols for St. Patrick’s Day weekend resulted in the arrest of 495 motorists for DWI, according to preliminary reports from Minnesota law enforcement agencies.

 As of 9 a.m. Monday there were 420 arrests, with an additional 75 arrests between 9 a.m. Monday and 6 a.m. Tuesday morning. Officials with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) Office of Traffic Safety say the arrest count will rise as additional DWI arrest information is submitted to the agency.

 “Driving drunk puts the driver and everyone else on the road in danger,” says Sgt. Jesse Grabow of the Minnesota State Patrol. “There is no reason to get behind the wheel when you have had too much to drink.  Always plan ahead for a sober ride.”

 Each year, alcohol-related crashes account for one-third of the state’s total traffic deaths. Preliminary numbers show there were 390 traffic deaths and 25,426 motorists are arrested for DWI statewide in 2013.

 To-date in 2014 is off to a deadly start. There have been 58 traffic deaths, four more than this time last year.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

2014 Man & Women of the Year Campaign

Xtreme Consulting Founder & CEO, Greg Rankich, is participating in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 2014 Man & Woman of the Year Campaign. The national 10-week campaign helps raise critical funds to help find cures for blood cancer. Greg will be competing against 8 other community leaders to raise the most funds and be named Man of the Year.

We need your help! Please visit our campaign page to donate and bid on auction items.  All proceeds go directly to LLS in support of its longstanding mission to find a cure for blood cancers and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

To learn more, contact Xtreme’s Fargo Director Lori Whitten at lori@xtremeconsulting.com or visit http://www.mwoy.org/pages/wa/wa14/LWhitten.

Tax assistance available

at NDSU Main Library

North Dakota State University’s Volunteer Income Tax Service is slated to offer free tax preparation assistance and electronic filing for people earning less than $51,000 a year at NDSU’s Main Library. 

The assistance is scheduled for 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on March 24 and March 31 in the library’s basement room 14.

Please bring the following items:

Last year’s tax return

Your ID and spouse’s ID if applicable

Social Security cards for all people claimed on the return

All W-2, 1099 forms, Social Security statements, interest and dividend statements, and any other income items

Any expense items, such as mortgage interest, real estate taxes, checks/receipts for contributions, education expenses for college or any items you think may be deductible

A checkbook or voided check for proof of direct deposit.

Assistance is open to the public with a special emphasis on serving people who have low incomes, people whose native language is not English and international students.

The NDSU Volunteer Income Tax Service program began 15 years ago. It provides students with firsthand experience working with clients and provides free services for people in the community who may not have access to paid tax-preparer services.

Many of the student volunteers speak multiple languages. The program also has access to volunteer translators through the Office of International Programs.

Firewood Inspections to

Begin Week of March 17


FARGO, N.D.In an effort to manage the spread of Dutch elm disease, the Fargo Forestry Department will begin inspecting firewood this week at homes around the city.  Dutch elm disease destroyed over 300 elm trees in Fargo last year. Storing or transporting elm wood with bark attached is prohibited by Fargo City Ordinance 19-0201.  If you want to use elm as firewood, the bark must be completely removed. To dispose of logs containing bark, place them on the boulevard for pickup by April 1 and notify the Forestry Department at 241-8104.  Residents’ cooperation will help manage the fight against Dutch elm disease. To learn more about Dutch elm disease and the Fargo Forestry Department, visit www.cityoffargo.com/forestry.

NDSU Archives to reopen at new location

Fargo, N.D., March 17– The North Dakota State University Archives are scheduled to reopen March 24. The archives, which have been closed since November, are now housed at the West Building, located at 3551 7th Ave. N. The hours will be 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Summer hours will be 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

 The new location includes a larger reading room, a temperature- and humidity-controlled storage area for archival materials, two new digital microfilm machines, access for patrons to the NDSU Libraries rare book collection and a lobby area with a snack machine.

 The NDSU Archives has approximately 3,000 manuscript collections and university records and 700,000 photographs documenting the history and development of North Dakota and NDSU. The reading room contains more than 23,000 books and microfilm reels relating the North Dakota, such as county, community, church, family and business histories, general works, periodicals, atlases and maps. Books relating to NDSU include yearbooks from 1907-80, course catalogs, bulletins, histories, periodicals and budgets.

Phone Book Recycling

Bins in Place through April 25

FARGO, N.D. (March 14, 2014) – The City of Fargo has begun its annual phone book recycling campaign. Yellow containers have been placed throughout the city for residents to deposit their old phone books. The containers, which will remain in place until Friday, April 25, are available at the following locations:

Centennial Area- 25th St. & 40th Ave. S.

Cash Wise Foods- 1401 33rd St. S.W.

Longfellow Park-  Elm St. & Forest Ave. N.

North High- 10th St. & 17th Ave. N (Behind the Curling Club)

Minnkota Redemption Center- University Dr. and

35th Ave. S.

Waste Water Plant- 10th St. & 37th Ave. N.

Parking Lot near CVS- 13th Ave.  & 25th St. S.

Osgood Recycling Site- 3857 Village Ln.

Shanley Recycling Site- 5600 25th St. S.

Solid Waste Bldg.-  2301 8th Ave. N.

 In 2013, the City of Fargo recycled over 109,000 pounds of phone books. For more information on the Fargo recycling program, visit www.FargoRecycles.com. Please contact Jennifer Pickett, Recycling Coordinator, at 701-298-6944 or jpickett@cityoffargo.com with any questions.   

HBA announces Parade of

Homes dates: April 24-27, May 1-4


The Home Builders Association of Fargo-Moorhead is proud to announce its Spring Parade of Homes dates now featuring more than 70 homes over two four-day weekends: April 24-27 and May 1-4. Sponsored by Marvin Windows & Doors, the Parade covers two weekends for consumer convenience. Hours are 4 – 8 p.m. Thursday-Friday and noon – 5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday. It will showcase newly constructed homes by local builders.

Admission is free, and the event will be a scattered-site tour of homes throughout the F-M area. Homes will cover all price ranges, including options for those age 55 and better, first-time buyers, people needing more space and those wanting to downsize.

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