Dilworth Star Business of the Year 2014

Dilworth Star Business of the Year 2014

The 25th Annual Dilworth Star Business of the Year 2014 is Red Hen Tap house, 1710 Center Avenue West, Suite #138, Dilworth, Minnesota. Red Hen Tap house opened November 2013 and employees twenty-two (22) people.

Red Hen Tap house was selected by the Dilworth Star City Committee as The Star Business of the Year 2014 because of its significant physically improvement, significant number of employees, and the long term investment of approving the business climate in the City of Dilworth.

Dave Erickson is the owner of this facility as well as Dave’s Southside Tap, Bull Dog Tap and Hennessy’s Irish Pub. You can visit Red Hen’s website at www.redhentaphouse.com. Mr. Erickson will be honored by the Dilworth City Council at its regularly schedule meeting on Monday, January 12, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

Increased Traffic

Enforcement Starting Week of Jan. 5

FARGO, N.D.–The Fargo Police Department is gearing up to conduct an increased seat belt/traffic enforcement campaign, beginning the week of Jan. 5 through the end of the month, as part of the state wide Click-It or Ticket effort.

In addition to looking for individuals who are not wearing seat belts, officers will be watching for violations such as speeding, red light violations, stop sign violations, texting/distracted driving, and lane and right-of-way violations in key points throughout the City.

A seat belt is the single most effective life-saving tool to prevent death and injury in a motor vehicle crash. Yet research shows that in North Dakota some vehicle occupants still resist—or forget—buckling up.

In 2013, nearly 60 percent of motor vehicle fatalities were unbuckled. This month seat belt reminders will increase in the form of tickets. Patrol officers intend to use citations to remind unbuckled motorists of the importance of seat belts. No one ever expects to be involved in a crash and a death in any family can have such a harsh ripple effect. Help prevent the loss to your

family today. Develop your “Code for the Road” and share it at https://www.facebook.com/codefortheroad. Please buckle up every trip, every time.

2014 building permit

totals top $1-billion

FARGO, N.D.– For the first time, building permit values in Fargo have exceeded $1-billion. This milestone is two and a half times higher than the previous record of $377-million set in 2013. As of noon on Dec. 30, the value of permits was $1,012,057,686.

2014 permits have included:

79 new commercial buildings with a value of $516 million which includes the $334 million Sanford hospital project and $41 million Essentia Health expansion.

44 multi-family apartment buildings, with 1,897 apartment units, valued at $148 million.

312 new single family homes and 65 attached housing units.

61 public building projects with a value of $117 million. This includes the $35 million Sanford Athletic building and $23 million STEM building at NDSU. The Ed Clapp School was $12 million.

Commercial remodeling was $83 million including the $8.2 million Union Storage remodel in downtown Fargo.

Library kicks off New Year

with Winter Read-A-Thon

FARGO, N.D.– The Fargo Public Library invites you to chase away the chill of winter with reading. The library’s annual Winter Read-A-Thon can add mystery, adventure and a little excitement to dreary winter days.

To participate, pick up an official book log at any Fargo Public Library location beginning Monday, Jan. 5. Readers of every age can participate; book logs are available for children, teens and adults. All ages are encouraged to read to earn chances to enter prize drawings. Book logs are due on or before Saturday, Feb. 28 to be eligible for prizes and prize drawings.

Fargo Renaissance

Zone extension approved

FARGO, N.D. (Jan. 6, 2015) – The State of North Dakota has approved a five year time extension for the Fargo Renaissance Zone until December of 2019. The downtown Fargo Renaissance Zone was established in 1999 and was set to expire at the end of 2014. State law allows for five year extensions of the program.

The Fargo program has been very successful. Renaissance Zone projects have included the renovation of 67 buildings and the construction of 8 new buildings. These projects have increased property values in the downtown area by $125 million and provide $2 million a year in increased property taxes.

Overall, downtown property values have increased by $386 million over the 15 years of the program, from $197 million in 1999 to $583 million in 2014.

To view the full 2015 Fargo Renaissance Zone Development Plan, visithttp://www.cityoffargo.com/CityInfo/Downtown/RenaissanceZone/Plan/

NDSU Offers Course to Help Caregivers

The physical, mental and emotional effects of caregiving will be explored through the Powerful Tools for Caregivers six-week course starting Jan. 13 and ending Feb. 17 at First Lutheran Church in Fargo. Each session runs from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

“Caregiving is rewarding, but it also can be stressful physically, emotionally and financially,” says Rita Ussatis, North Dakota State University Extension Service agent. “This course is designed to provide caregivers the skills needed to take care of themselves.”

Through the Powerful Tools for Caregivers course, participants will learn about:

* Reducing stress

* Improving self-confidence

* Balancing their lives

* Doing better at communicating feelings

* Increasing their ability to make tough decisions

* Locating helpful resources

The classes will be taught by certified and experienced instructors.

The registration fee is $50, which includes “The Caregiver Helpbook.” For more information or to register, contact Ussatis at (701) 241-5700 or rita.ussatis@ndsu.edu.

The course is sponsored by the NDSU Extension Service and Sanford Health Foundation.

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